College of Education and Human Development

School of Social Work

Minn-LInK brief examines children’s academic performance and exposure to parental intimate partner violence, child maltreatment

Examining the Association of Children’s Academic Performance with Their Exposure to Parental Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment is the newest brief from Minn-LInK (Minnesota-Linking Information for Kids).
The purpose of the study was to “explore[] the association of children’s exposure to parental intimate partner violence (IPV) and child maltreatment (CM), as well as combined exposure (IPV-CM), to children’s academic achievement and school attendance over time.” The study was meant to fill a research gap on individual and combined associations of children’s exposure to IPV and/or CM with school success.
Results of the study are consistent with prior research that shows child exposure to both CM and IPV have a negative impact on school success.
View the brief here to learn more about the study and related research. You can also view the supplement to the brief here.