College of Education and Human Development

Department of Educational Psychology

Kohli speaks at two international conferences

Dr. Nidhi Kohli, Royal and Virginia Anderson Professor of Quantitative Methods in Education (QME) and Program Coordinator for the QME program in the Department of Educational Psychology,  was invited to present at two conferences this summer: the International Meeting of Psychometric Society and the International Indian Statistical Association.

Dr. Kohli’s talk, Piecewise Random-Effects Models for Segmented Longitudinal Trends, focused on nonlinear random-effects models (REMs); these are often used in education, psychology, and broader social sciences to examine individual- and population-level growth over time. Dr. Kohli explained how the statistical framework of piecewise REMs, a popular and flexible type of nonlinear REM, has been extended in varied ways to help researchers analyze different research questions.

“[It] is a huge honor to be invited to these two conferences to talk about my core methodological work,” Dr. Kohli reflected. The aim of this work is to further educational statistics literature, providing researchers and practitioners with the theoretical underpinnings and empirical guidance to address important questions in human development, psychology, and education. Visit the Longitudinal Methods Development Lab to learn more about Dr. Kohli’s research.