Masten and her research on resilience is profiled in Halifax Herald News

MastenA_2013Ann Masten, Regents Professor and Irving B. Harris Professor of Child Psychology at the Institute of Child Development, and her work on resilience is the subject of an extended article in the Chronicle Herald of Halifax, Nova Scotia. In the article, Resilience of kids recovering from adversity inspires professor, Masten discusses what her research has shown about how individuals can keep optimistic in the face of adversities which are often severe and continuing. “We all encounter adversities, and some children have too much,” said Masten in the article. She goes on, “They’re faced with too many difficulties. We have to do something about that.”  Masten gave the keynote address at the Pathways to Resilience III: Beyond Nature vs. Nurture conference held June 16-June 19th by the Resilience Research Centre at Dalhousie University. The Resilience Research Centre studies resilience using a socio-ecological approach with a multidimensional model, offering research, evaluation and training.

While she was in Halifax, Masten was also interviewed on the Rick Howe Show on News Radio 95.7 in Halifax.