Shirley G. Moore Lab School earns reaccreditation from NAEYC

LabSchoolFeatherIDCongratulations to the Shirley G. Moore Lab School on a successful National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation visit. NAEYC strives to raise the quality of education for all children from birth through age eight. The NAEYC accreditation system encourages early childhood education programs to provide the best learning experiences for young children and their educators by meeting national standards of quality.
Sponsored by the Institute of Child Development, the Shirley G. Moore Lab School seeks to demonstrate exemplary early childhood practices, provide a sound educational setting for preschool children as well as to train teachers of young children at the graduate and undergraduate levels and serve as an active center of child study and research. The Institute has been a national focal point of child study since its inception in 1925 and from the beginning, the Lab School was at the core of the Institute’s mission as a research and training center, contributing substantially to this effort.