10 Reading + Learning Lab presentations accepted for APA, ST&D conferences

Ten presentations from members of the Reading and Language Lab were accepted to the 2020 American Psychological Association (APA) – Division 15 and the 2020 Society for Text and Discourse (ST&D) conferences. The APA – Division 15 conference is scheduled to take place in Washington, D.C. August 8-11. This year’s ST&D conference has been canceled due to COVID-19.

The primary questions addressed in the Reading and Learning Lab concern the relations amongst language and memory, with a focus on understanding and improving learning. In addition to these core issues, the lab is also involved with the development and application of technology-based interventions and assessments. The lab is directed by Guy Bond Chair in Reading Professor Panayiota (Pani) Kendeou.

Presentations accepted for APA – Division 15 conference

Orcutt, E., Kendeou, P., McMaster, K., & The TELCI Team (2020, August). Efficacy of Technology-Based Early Language Comprehension Intervention (TELCI) in Struggling Comprehenders. Poster to be presented to the American Psychological Association Convention (Division 15) in Washington, D.C.

*Butterfuss, R.,*Kim, J., McMaster, K. L., & Kendeou, P. (2020). Development and validation of the Minnesota Inference Assessment. Poster to be presented to the American Psychological Association Convention (Division 15) in Washington, D.C.

Presentations accepted for ST&D conference

*Butterfuss, R., & Kendeou, P. (2020). Revising misconceptions with multiple documents. 2020 Society for Text & Discourse Annual Conference. (Conference canceled)

*Butterfuss, R., *Harsch, R., & Kendeou, P. (2020). Partisan patterns of belief in science and trust in sources. 2020 Society for Text & Discourse Annual Conference. (Conference canceled)

*Butterfuss, R., *Kim, J., McMaster, K. L., & Kendeou, P. (2020). The influence of question timing and executive function on inferencing instruction. 2020 Society for Text & Discourse Annual Conference. (Conference canceled)

*Choi, D.,  *Butterfuss, R., *Kim, J., McMaster, K., & Kendeou, P. (2020). Genre Differences in Inference Making. 2020 Society for Text and Discourse Annual Conference. (Conference canceled)

*Harsch, R., *Butterfuss, R., & Kendeou, P. (2020). Epistemic Beliefs, Language, and Sources: Interactive Effects on Belief and Trust of Scientific Information. 2020 Society for Text & Discourse Annual Conference. (Conference canceled)

*Kim, J., Orcutt, E., *Weiers, L., & Kendeou, P. (2020). Using refutation texts to reduce interference from misconceptions in future contexts. 2020 Society for Text and Discourse Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. (Conference canceled)

*O’Brien, M., McMaster, K., & Kendeou, P. (2020). Response to the Technology-Based Early Language Comprehension Intervention (TeLCI): Race, Language, and SES Factors. 2020 Society for Text & Discourse Annual Conference. (Conference canceled)

Orcutt, E., *Butterfuss, R., McMaster, K. L., & Kendeou, P. (2020). Scaffolding inferences in kindergarten: The role of executive function and language comprehension. 2020 Society for Text & Discourse Annual Conference.  (Conference canceled)

*Denotes current or past student.

Bold text denotes faculty member or researcher.