Alayna is very excited to start her time as a Communications Intern for the School of Kinesiology! Everyone she has met so far has been extremely kind, she is looking forward to being in an environment surrounded by so many uplifting and supportive people. For her position, she is excited to see how she utilizes her writing skills learned in previous positions, as well as to practice the core concepts she has learned through the Leadership minor. She is also looking forward to learning more about the analytical and strategic side of marketing, and to gather some new skills within graphic design!
Currently, she is majoring in Communications with a minor in Leadership. This fall, she will enter her senior year at the University, which is both exciting and bittersweet. For the upcoming future, she is interested in working in the field of media production. The detailed processes and technical work that happens behind the scenes of television and film are fascinating to her, and she would love to have a part in their production.
She is originally from North Dakota, where she lived outside a town called Wahpeton and grew up on her family’s farm. Her family consists of her parents, a younger brother, and her sweet black lab that she adores. She was a dancer for most of her life, training mainly in ballet. Now, she loves to be a part of the audience and attend any performances that are in town. In addition to dance, movies are a big hobby for her, especially sci-fi! She also loves to read, draw and paint, and go to museums and concerts!