ICD Professor Ann Masten was recently awarded an honorary doctorate from Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands, at the University’s Dies Natalis (109th anniversary) celebration. The ceremony’s theme was “Resilient cities and societies for future generations.”
The Doctorate Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam noted that Masten’s scholarly work is central to the Vital Cities and Citizens Initiative at Erasmus University.
“Your outstanding contribution to the study on the development of resilience and for advancing theory on the positive outcomes of children and families facing adversity, is a reason of honoring you in this way,” wrote Professor Annelien Bredenoord, Rector Magnificus of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Masten shared brief remarks at the Dies Natalis in addition to a master lecture for faculty and graduate students during her visit. She told the audience that cities have an important role to play in nurturing resilience because children, youth and families depend on schools, libraries, and many other municipal resources such as health clinics and parks.
“Resilience is malleable,” Masten said. “We can make a difference. We can contribute and build resilience at many different points over the lifespan, although it’s important to invest in resilience early.”
Watch the ceremony and Ann Masten’s remarks below.