Linh Do is a junior in the Elementary Education Foundations major. She hopes to continue her growth as a teacher, and a person, through her experience in the program.
What drove you to enroll in the program?
The elementary education major offers an incredible curriculum focused on celebrating culture and diversity. Not only that, but it is equipping me with the tools to disrupt the structures and prejudices in place that hurt students the most.
When did you realize you wanted to be a teacher?
Like many of the future educators around me the answer is: I’ve always known I’ve wanted to be a teacher. It was the teachers that invested their whole hearts into my education and growth that shaped me into the person I am today, and if I could be that for even one child , I’d consider myself so privileged.
What has been your experience with the faculty?
They have validated the values and goals I have held dear while also providing the terminology and vocabulary to better articulate them. They have also changed my perspective on so many different aspects of my teaching philosophies. I always leave my classes feeling inspired and challenged to be better.
Do you feel the coursework and student-teaching experience will help you to begin teaching in your own classroom?
Yes! As important as studying and forming my personal pedagogies and teaching frameworks may be, I know that experience is priceless. Being able to observe masters in their elements, ( I am talking about my cooperating teachers here), will provide me with so much guidance to bring into my own future classroom.
Were there any surprises and challenges along the way?
My greatest surprises have been the gaps I have found within myself through the guidance of this program. It has been challenging to identify the ways in which I was lacking, and embrace the vulnerability that comes along with that.
Learn more about the B.S. in elementary education foundations.