Berger receives ‘Thank a Teacher’ note from student

Carolyn Berger

The Center for Education Innovation’s (CEI), Thank a Teacher program allows students to provide unsolicited feedback by sending thank you notes to teachers who make a positive difference in their education and personal development. Carolyn Berger, assistant professor in the Department of Educational Psychology’s counseling and student personnel psychology program, recently received one of these “thank a teacher” notes which showcases the impact she has on her students and the positive environment she creates in her classroom.

The note reads:

“Thank you so much for all that you’ve done for myself and my cohort over the last two years. It has been such an incredible experience getting to be in your classes, and we greatly appreciate all of your tutelage. Your impact goes far beyond teaching as well. Thank you for taking the time to get to know all of us one on one and helping shape us into the best counselors we can be. Hearing about your experiences as a school counselor has given me great insight into what the role entails, and I love hearing the different aspects that you have personally experienced. Thank you for everything, Dr. Berger. Your passion and dedication does not go unnoticed!”

-MA student in counseling and student personnel psychology

Have you had a teacher that has made a difference in your education? Visit CEI’s website to thank them.

The Center for Education Innovation’s (CEI) Thank a Teacher Program allows students to provide unsolicited recognition by sending thank you notes to professors who make a positive difference in their achievement and development.