Call for research participants: Making Feedback Work for You study

Making feedback work for you

Interested in taking the GRE for graduate school admission? Come take a practice GRE test! You will get feedback on areas for improvement and $12 for 60 minutes of your time.

We are currently recruiting people to participate in a new study investigating how well students perform on practice GRE quantitative reasoning skills. If you agree to participate, you will complete a number of short surveys and answer several math questions. This study requires about 60 uninterrupted minutes to complete. You will complete this on your own computer, so be sure that you are in a location where you are comfortable, free from distractions, and can stay for the duration of the study.

You will receive $12 for your participation.

To participate, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be an undergraduate student at a university in North America.
  • You must be 18 years old or older.

If you do not meet these requirements, then you cannot participate.

If you meet these requirements click on the link below to access the study.

Contact: Jiayi Deng (