CEHD embeds educational equity skills in teacher education curriculum

The College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) created the Teacher Education Redesign Initiative (TERI) in 2010 to better prepare teachers for the challenges they face in a 21st century classroom. In the seven years since TERI began, CEHD has made important changes to the teacher preparation curriculum. One of these changes is a new emphasis on teaching “dispositions,” which describe the relational skills that teachers need to connect with their students, families, and communities.

By teaching relational skills, helping teachers understand the impact of their own racial identity on their students, CEHD helps teacher candidates develop the knowledge, skills, and mindsets they need to foster educational equity in their classrooms.

Learn more in this blog post from Misty Sato, associate professor and Campbell Chair for Innovation in Teacher Development.

How TERI better prepares teachers

Interim TERI director, Stacy Ernst, recently contributed to the VISION 2020 blog. Continue reading to learn more about how TERI is re-envisioning the future of teacher education.

Bush Foundation releases midterm reports

The Bush Foundation has released their midterm reports for public perusal. Click through to learn about all of the great work and lessons learned within the NExT institutions of higher education – the 14 selected by Bush to redesign teacher education. The Bush Foundation grant supports ten-year long projects such as ours at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

overview  |  full report  |  executive summary


Education Minnesota UMN-Twin Cities student chapter surprises Roosevelt teachers and staff with a break room makeover

The EdMN UMN-TC student chapter received a $1,000 grant from the National Education Association and used the funds to support a makeover of the teachers’ lounge at Roosevelt High School. In honor of Teacher Apprecation Week, the dedicated crew cleaned, painted, and installed new furniture on Saturday, May 10. The Teacher Education Redesign Initiative (TERI) sponsored bagels and coffee for the teachers yesterday morning to welcome them into their new space, and to show appreciation for all that they do.

Check out the before and after photos below!






“Grow your own” partnership for special education teachers

By working in close partnership with schools to co-create teacher education programs that meet Minnesota’s needs, CEHD faculty and staff develop new pathways to teaching. The Teacher Education Redesign Initiative (TERI) supports not only the redesign of our comprehensive programs, but also the development of new pathways to licensure such as this partnership with Independent School District 916 and CEHD’s Special Education faculty, Jennifer McComas. Read the full story.

Co-teaching fidelity study underway in TERI

We are in the third year of providing co-teaching training and support to cooperating teacher and teacher candidate pairs. The training and practices have been well received and all our partner districts have adopted co-teaching as their preferred model for student teaching experiences.

Most partner schools and districts are now providing the co-teaching training with their own staff as well as using the online co-teaching training. As the partnership grows and more people own co-teaching professional development in the network, CEHD staff are able to focus on collecting data to improve this research-based, high impact model.


To assess what we’ve accomplished – and to determine what is still needed – we conducted a co-teaching fidelity study. University supervisors met with their candidates and cooperating teachers to learn if the pair is co-teaching and what instructional strategies are most common in the team’s practice. We asked what training the pair has completed and what training they still need. We probed general satisfaction with the process and asked for specific benefits of co-teaching for the K-12 students in their classrooms.

This spring we will compile the data collected to create a complete picture of co-teaching in our partner schools and other student teaching sites. These data will help us understand where co-teaching is successful and where it is not yet being used. As a result we will offer new, targeted training to our school partners and support to extend co-teaching in the next academic year.

Stay tuned for more details later this summer!

Submitted by:
Bob Utke, Clinical Learning Coordinator
Amy Jo Lundell, Clinical Partnerships Coordinator
Stacy Ernst, School Partner Network Coordinator & Interim TERI Director

CEHD student featured in Education Minnesota video

University of Minnesota CEHD alum Lindsey Bryant, a first-year teacher at Jenny Lind Elementary in Minneapolis, is featured in a video on the Education Minnesota “Ed Moments” website. Lindsey was one of our 2012-13 teacher candidates placed in a yearlong co-teaching placement last year at Highlands in Edina- one of our partner school sites in TERI.




Jenny Lind Elementary was chosen for the project because of its work to narrow the achievement gap and Lindsey is featured in the first and third video. See how this first year teacher from CEHD’s redesigned elementary education program is helping to do her part with her colleagues at a great school! Watch video.

TERI Annual Milestone Visit with the Bush Foundation

Each spring CEHD welcomes representatives from the Bush Foundation and our project coach, Ivan Charner, from FHI 360 to a full review and update of TERI progress and partnerships. The visit provides CEHD and school partners leaders with an opportunity to engage directly with the foundation’s leadership team in generative conversations specific to the work in TERI in the larger NExT initiative.

School representatives from our six partner districts contributed to the day by sharing evidence of impact on students, teachers, schools, and districts. School district partners provided updates organized around the pillars in NExT: Recruit, Prepare, Support, Employ. Each district provided overviews on the partnership’s impact. Here are a few samples of the information shared: SPPS, MPS, Roosevelt High School (MPS), and Forest Lake Area Schools.

Patricia King, SPPS, shares TERI’s impact on the district since the partnership work began. Clockwise from front left: Jehanne Beaton, TERI/MPS; Tiffany Moore, MPS/TERI; Patricia King, SPPS; Shuji Asai, EDRC; Karla Stone, CI/EDRC; Deborah Dillon CEHD; Justin Christy, Bush; Maggie Sullivan, MPS; and Amy Jo Lundell, CI.
Jennifer Tolzman shares TERI’s impact on Forest Lake Area School’s Induction program since the partnership began. Clockwise from front left: Mark Vagle, CI; Marjorie Nadler, CI; Misty Sato, CI/TERI co-PI; Kayla Yang-Best, Bush Foundation, Jennifer Tolzman, FLAS.

Michael Bradley, RHS principal in MPS catches up with Michael Lovett, White Bear Lake Area School’s superintendent.

New faculty liaison roles for 2014-15 in two TERI Partner Sites

We’re pleased to announce that Barbara Billington and Terry Wyberg will be embedded half-time as faculty liaisons in SPPS and MPS during the next academic school year. Both CEHD instructors will work alongside school partners for the year as part of the faculty and as co-teachers.

“We are very excited about the CEHD faculty liaison position proposed for Linwood-Monroe” said Patricia King, Assistant Director of Leadership Development in the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Leading at SPPS. Patrick Duffy, principal of Clara Barton K-8 in MPS also reports ” I am really excited to continue our partnership with the University of Minnesota and have Terry here as a resource for our teachers and students.”

Working together, side by side, in shared spaces has been an integral part of our redesign effort in CEHD’s Teacher Education Redesign Initiative. School partners serving on TERI’s curriculum development teams, hired as clinical supervisors, working as induction liaisons, and teaching in CEHD classrooms have contributed invaluable perspectives and expertise to our shared work to prepare new teachers who will change the world. Similarly, the opportunity for CEHD faculty to engage directly with partner sites as co-teachers and teachers with K-8 students provides embedded professional development opportunities for CEHD faculty and staff engaged in giving back directly to our P-12 students and the teaching profession.

DirecTrack to Teaching (DTT) orientation 2014

The orientation for the upcoming DirecTrack to Teaching students was an exciting and wonderful experience. I enjoyed every part of the orientation, all the way from learning about the program to meeting other people that shared the same interest as me. The best part about the orientation is that it made me feel one step closer to achieving my dream to become a teacher. It was reassuring to see that the room was overflowing with other students who all wanted to be future educators like me. There was an overwhelming amount of excitement and happiness in the air as people started talking and getting to know each other. Everyone was super excited to learn more about the program and what they have to do to become a teacher. Not only did the DirecTrack to Teaching orientation prepare me for my following years in the program, but it prepared me for the rest of my life as a teacher. Whenever I will look back at my career I will remember this orientation, because it was the first moment where I began my journey as a teacher.

Submitted by Anna Reget, new DirecTrack student from the College of Liberal Arts


CEHD shifts the paradigm: clinical placements to clinical partnerships

TERI has transformed the ways that we think about our roles here in the College of Education & Human Development. For example, the clinical placement coordinator role and responsibilities has shifted in the last three years from placing student teachers in schools to developing and supporting clinical partnerships. The work of CEHD’s clinical partnership coordinators is described as “engaging, collaborative, intense, and hopeful” as we build deeper relationships and connections with school partners.

Clinical Partnerships Coordinator expectations include:

  • Serve as primary placement contact for CEHD with district partners.
  • Address partner school/district concerns regarding placements.
  • Collaboratively solve problems with data collection, communication, relationship building, etc.
  • Provide professional development on co-teaching to cooperating teachers and teacher candidates on campus, at school, and at district sites.
  • Support needs of cluster placements (coordinate with liaisons and partner network coordinator)
  • Present to whole faculty and administrators at school sites.
  • Attend face-to-face meetings with district administrators/HR departments.
  • Actively shape district placement processes.
  • Track practicum and student teaching placements.

Clinical Partnerships Coordinator is:

  • Engaging with other IHE placement coordinators to improve communication regarding placements.
  • Collecting data and tracking placements in real time with school partners.
  • Creating surveys, documents, and meetings to engage school partners in decision making.
  • Interfacing with college team on partnerships and redesign elements.
  • Clustering placements in partner school districts/sites.
  • Providing external feedback from school partners to improve ILP-School relationships.
  • Planning interviews and other matchmaking initiatives.
  • Centralizing process while collaborating with departments to improve external relations and overall efficiency.

Submitted by Amy Jo Lundell, Clinical Partnerships Coordinator for Curriculum & Instruction

Supershops complete for 2013-14

This year our training for supervisors (Supershops) was focused on developing new leadership, aligning our work with district partners’ work, and promoting the use of better tools to assure candidates’ professional development and skill growth. The Supershop series met on six Friday mornings through the fall and into the winter for a total of 18 hours of ongoing professional development and support.

The topics included an overview of job responsibilities and specific skill and knowledge building in observation and documentation of performance, mentoring, dealing with common dilemmas, supporting the edTPA, and providing career services and launching new teachers into their practice.

We drew in different expertise this year, using trainers from Minneapolis public schools (Paul Hegerle, SOEI trainer), experienced district mentors (Tiffany Moore and Marjorie Nadler), and members of our own faculty and staff who had not previously been in college-wide training roles (Barbara Billington, SciEd; Amy Jo Lundell, CI Dept, and Deb Peterson, MCRR and state edTPA steering committee).



Our added emphasis was on coaching practice to build skills around our new observation de-briefing outline, and developing practice with our new formative assessment for clinical practice.

We also spent time organizing supervision to support better (and more) co-teaching in classrooms. One traditional difficulty in the university supervisors’ role is clarifying how the supervisor can support the teaching candidate, cooperating teacher relationship. We shared materials and did simulations to help the supervisor in problem identification and supporting problem solving for the co-teaching practice.

Submitted by Bob Utke, Clinical Learning Coordinator

Great Lesson 7: “Family & Community Partnerships that Support Learning”

On Wednesday January 8, teacher candidates in a TERI course, “Cultures, Schools, and Communities,” visited Brooklyn Center High School. The school visit was planned as a key class component of the 7th Great Lesson, entitled “Family & Community Partnerships that Support Learning.”
Michael Goh, co-instructor of the course, emphasized the importance of taking teacher candidate students out of a lecture hall, and bringing them to an authentic setting like Brooklyn Center Community Schools.
“We are constantly studying our design of the Great Lessons to amplify [teacher candidates’] learning experience. To that end, it is especially vital that we are able to bridge theory and practice, and future teachers are able to experience what they read and discuss from our Great Lessons beyond the abstract. We have a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in a school district that epitomizes family and community partnerships [through] one of the exemplary Brooklyn Center Community Schools.”
Upon arrival, our teacher candidates were warmly greeted by Dr. Carly Jarva, principal of Brooklyn Center High School. The candidates were then met by a group of high school seniors and school staff who graciously gave us school tours showcasing a multitude of integrated services, including an onsite Health Resource Center which provides health, dental, and mental health services for students as well as any community members who are birth to 18 years of age.

During the panel discussion, teacher candidates listened to powerful stories of the panelists’ commitment to creating and strengthening community partnerships that support student learning. Through authentic dialogue about the challenges as well as the opportunities to make students the core of family and community partnerships, our future teachers engaged in deep reflection on the critical role they play within these partnerships.
Many future teachers felt empowered to learn that classroom teachers are an integral part of community building. And their engagement process begins within their own classroom by creating a trusting and supportive community with students and their families. Here are some of student comments after the visit:
“I was totally captivated by the panel of speakers at Brooklyn Center High School. They were so generous with their passion and their time, and I am energized by their words. What I like most of all is that the school and district leaders are rolling up their sleeves and “humbling” themselves in order to precipitate real change in the community and for the students.”
“Brooklyn Center Community School is where I am currently placed, and my first day was the day of Great Lessons. I had done some research prior and have been very observant of the things that BCMS offer to their students including an extensive after school program, health facilities, and supportive/extensive staff. At Great Lessons, I got an even better picture of the services they provide. I am glad that the school values building community and implemented such a great system.”
“I have heard about community schools, and it is great to work in and see one in action. I think such an idea also creates a great school environment with staff, students, and families. I learned a great deal about the concept and can only hope to work in such an environment in the future.”
“As a future teacher, sometimes I get so caught up in how I’ll explain my content or how I’ll manage my own classroom, that it’s easy to forget that students have lives outside of the walls we share, that may affect their academic success. My time at Brooklyn Center, and the panel of speakers, candidly addressed some of these issues, and reminded me that wrap around services in schools can help, not only the student body, but the entire community. It’s a powerful reminder for everyone; until a student’s basic needs are met, they cannot learn.”
Submitted by Shuji Asai, Licensure Officer

Teacher candidates tour Brooklyn Center High School.


Panel members (L to R) Dr. Mark Bonnie, Superintendent; Dr. Carly Jarva, Principal; Jackie Starr, Family and Community Liaison; Willie Finley, 21st Century Grant Coordinator.


DirecTrack to Teaching

DirecTrack to Teaching students have been active in several schools in our partner districts this fall. DirecTrack is a program for undergraduates at the UMN-TC who intend to become secondary (math, social studies, science, English language arts) or k-12 (art, ESL, world language, special education) licensed teachers through our post-baccalaureate initial licensure programs (ILP).
One of the requirements of DirecTrack is to take a course titled Exploring the Teaching Profession. A key component of this course involves service-learning in local schools. This fall, 27 students have been participating in service-learning in several of our partner districts.
• Columbia Heights High School, AVID tutors: 4 students
• Roosevelt High School (MPS), classroom tutors: 9 students
• Wellstone International High School (MPS): 1 student
• Lucy Craft Laney K-8 School (MPS): 2 students
• Adolescent Girls and Parenting Education (AGAPE) (SPPS): 3 students
• Murray Middle School (SPPS): 8 students
A student quote says it best:
“The most rewarding aspect is in the countless number of times I have seen a student that I am tutoring begin to understand something after I explain it to them. I have heard comments from my students that they finally understand something after I explained it to them. To just know that I am actually making a difference in these students’ lives is an incredibly rewarding feeling.”
The staff and students in DirecTrack wish to extend a big thank you to these schools for their support of our students as they continue on their path towards becoming teachers!

Fall 2013 Road Trip Summary

Road trips for Elementary Education, Curriculum & Instruction, and EDRC staff so far this year include visits to partner sites:
• St. Paul Public Schools: Saint Anthony Park, Frost Lake, and Linwood/Monroe (both campuses)
• Minneapolis Public Schools: Dowling, Lucy Laney, Hall, Andersen, Marcy, Pillsbury, Barton, Roosevelt, Sanford
• Columbia Heights Public Schools: North Park, Highland and Valley View
• White Bear Lake Area Schools: Otter and Lincoln
• Edina: Highlands
Other school sites visited specifically by Elementary Education’s Kathy Byrn include Sioux Trails in Burnsville, Brimhall in Roseville, and XinXing in Hopkins.
We also visited district teams and representatives in Saint Paul, Brooklyn Center, Minneapolis, and Forest Lake.
Next semester we plan to visit the following partner schools that we did not get to this fall:
• Vadnais in WBL
• Nokomis/Sheridan in SPPS
• Crossroads in SPPS
• Lino Lakes in Forest Lake
Also included are these other practicum sites, cluster sites, or potential cluster/PDS sites:
• Harvest, charter
• Harambee, Roseville
• Kenny, MSP
• Kenwood, MSP
• Creek Valley, Edina
• Soujourner Truth Academy, charter
If we haven’t already been there, we look forward to seeing you soon!
Kathy Byrn, Elementary Education Clinical Coordinator
Amy Jo Lundell, Curriculum & Instruction Clinical Placement Coordinator
Jehanne Beaton, TERI/MPS Partnership Liaison @ RHS
Tiffany Moore, TERI/MPS Induction Coordinator
Bob Utke, Clinical Learning Coordinator
Stacy Ernst, School Partner Network Coordinator
Deborah Dillon, Associate Dean of Graduate, Professional and International Programs

TERI Partner Network Day: Perspectives

Martha Bigelow moderated an exciting, celebratory panel of recent graduates from CEHD to hear from each their perspectives on how TERI has impacted each as a new teacher. Panelists included Jennifer Eik, Second Languages and Cultures ’13, currently teaching at Roosevelt High School; Callie Moylan, Elementary Education ’13, currently teaching at Lucy Laney K-8; and Ahmed Amin, Social Studies ’11, currently teaching at Roosevelt High School.

Panelists Jennifer Eik, Callie Moylan, and Ahmed Amin discuss their experiences.

What they said:
“What has prepared me for my teaching was first, and foremost, the Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) that we did in the Great Lessons in the Post Bacc program. We did a lot of identity work and at first, I was resistant… because I just felt like ‘what’s the relevance’ and ‘this isn’t what I signed up for.’ But we did a lot of work on: how we viewed the world, what biases we walked into the classroom with, and how that affects our instruction. Now, looking back on that year, I have to say it was one of the most positively influential years of my life. I learned so much about myself and that’s positively influenced my first year of teaching as I’ve been able to reflect… be more conscious and aware of how I view my students and how I should change my instruction too.”
– Jennifer Eik

“I can attribute my success to the edTPA which very comparable to the Standards of Effective Instruction (SOEI) in Minneapolis Public Schools… the rubrics are almost identical and so having to go through the edTPA and really think about how to create and film a high quality lesson…. That really helped me a lot for as far as knowing what to do, what to have ready, and how to prepare my class. Also, my success as a white teacher in a predominately black school is that– as my principal says — ‘you have to be comfortable with yourself’… and I know I’m a white teacher in a predominately black school but I’m here for the right reason, I’m ready to teach, I want to teach these kids, I believe in these kids, I know they’re smart, and I hope that that attitude is what is reflected in my students’ achievements.”
– Callie Moylan

“By having Jehanne there, placed as the TERI school liaison… doing some work with teachers in research partnerships there on critical pedagogy she came into my class and took that research opportunity to really transformed it so it was student centered and students were creating authentic intellectual work. We were doing fabulous work by the end of that research opportunity…. Having Jehanne there and people like Jenna has really helped my development and has turned around plenty of other classrooms at Roosevelt High school. It’s sort of an invaluable experience having the student teachers come in and see how those methods they’re learning in their program are actually being practiced in the classroom. I think that helps them out also.”
– Ahmed Amin