CEHD graduates were honored at a unique virtual commencement celebration on Saturday, May 16. The COVID-19 pandemic may have kept the Class of 2020 from gathering together in one physical space, but it did nothing to dampen the spirit of the occasion or the great academic achievements that the commemoration represents.
In lieu of speakers at a podium, the virtual commencement featured pre-recorded videos. In them, undergraduate student speaker Dan-neya Yancey; Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development Associate Professor Rashné Jehangir; and Dean Jean Quam offered their congratulations and some words of wisdom to the Class of 2020.
Yancey, a family social science graduate, said her generation has borne witness to many of society’s flashpoint events, from 9/11 to the Great Recession to the COVID-19 pandemic. “With each event, we experienced shifts in how we interacted with each other,” she said. “We rallied together to show up for one another. We adapted, and today we still remain resilient in the face of adversity.”
She went on to say that what connects all CEHD graduates regardless of their degree or the career path they have chosen is that inner child that they all seek to make proud, but most importantly stay connected to.
“Remember what creativity brought you as a child—innovative ideas and a worldview with an unlimted scope,” she said. “Continue to dream because a mind with great ideas will help change the world.”
Jehangir said that, because there might not be a big party or family celebration that typically follows a commencement ceremony, she recommends a month of mini-graduation celebrations. Wear those new shoes you were planning to wear at commencement, bake that cake you had planned, celebrate in your kitchen or backyard with those you are sheltered with. And as you celebrate, remember how you got here, especially if you are first generation. “Some of you are first in your family to attend college,” Jehangir said. “You are trailblazers, openers of doors, creators of new paths. Remember this and those who helped carry you to this place. Honor them as you honor yourself.”
In her message, Dean Quam reflected on how commencements in the past were usually followed by a dinner or a party where graduates would inevitably hear how amazing they were. “This year-in 2020-it’s more true than ever before. Because we all found new ways to learn and to teach and to be together with our best selves,” she said. “So congratulations to you. You made it. No one can ever take away the education you earned. Now go out and use it to the best of your ability and make a difference.”
At commencement, undergraduate CEHD students receive bachelor of science degrees. Graduate students earned master of education, master of arts, master of science, master of social work, doctor of education, and doctor of philosophy degrees. Students who completed licensure and certificate programs are also honored at commencement.
For more on commencement, including FlipGrid greetings to graduates posted by faculty and staff, visit cehd.umn.edu/commencement.