TERI has transformed the ways that we think about our roles here in the College of Education & Human Development. For example, the clinical placement coordinator role and responsibilities has shifted in the last three years from placing student teachers in schools to developing and supporting clinical partnerships. The work of CEHD’s clinical partnership coordinators is described as “engaging, collaborative, intense, and hopeful” as we build deeper relationships and connections with school partners.
Clinical Partnerships Coordinator expectations include:
- Serve as primary placement contact for CEHD with district partners.
- Address partner school/district concerns regarding placements.
- Collaboratively solve problems with data collection, communication, relationship building, etc.
- Provide professional development on co-teaching to cooperating teachers and teacher candidates on campus, at school, and at district sites.
- Support needs of cluster placements (coordinate with liaisons and partner network coordinator)
- Present to whole faculty and administrators at school sites.
- Attend face-to-face meetings with district administrators/HR departments.
- Actively shape district placement processes.
- Track practicum and student teaching placements.
Clinical Partnerships Coordinator is:
- Engaging with other IHE placement coordinators to improve communication regarding placements.
- Collecting data and tracking placements in real time with school partners.
- Creating surveys, documents, and meetings to engage school partners in decision making.
- Interfacing with college team on partnerships and redesign elements.
- Clustering placements in partner school districts/sites.
- Providing external feedback from school partners to improve ILP-School relationships.
- Planning interviews and other matchmaking initiatives.
- Centralizing process while collaborating with departments to improve external relations and overall efficiency.
Submitted by Amy Jo Lundell, Clinical Partnerships Coordinator for Curriculum & Instruction