CSPP students, faculty participate in Minnesota School Counselor Association Day on the Hill

The Minnesota School Counselors Association held their annual Day on the Hill on March 21 at the state capital in St. Paul. Students in the Department of Educational Psychology’s counseling and student personnel psychology (CSPP) program and Marguerite Ohrtman, director of school counseling and MA clinical training, met with legislators and senators to promote the important work that school counselors do for our students and school communities. This included lobbying for the student support bill that would provide more school counselors for the state’s schools and all support staff.

Ohrtman is currently the MSCA President Elect and was fortunate to have students Katie O’Dowd, Jaime Jarmin, and Rebecca Mendoza attend with her. Rebecca also serves on the MSCA Board as the Graduate Student Representative for all graduate students in the state.