In a September 23 message to the CEHD community, Dean Jean Quam wrote:
“As I worked on my talk for the Fall Assembly and thought about our Vision 2020 efforts, I am very proud of the work that we have done over the past few years to create a great college. In 2006, I co-chaired a committee that planned for bringing the School of Social Work and Family Social Science together from the College of Ecology with the existing College of Education and General College to form the new CEHD. I have had the privilege of being the senior associate dean, the interim dean, and the dean of this amazing college. It could not be in better shape to hand it over to a new leader.
“Earlier in the summer, I asked Provost Hanson to accept my resignation as dean of CEHD and she asked me to think about it carefully. After much reflection, I would like the change to be effective August 1, 2020. I plan to take a sabbatical during fall semester 2020, and then return to my position as a full professor in the School of Social Work and begin a phased retirement. I have always thought that it is a privilege to be a faculty member and I would like a few more years to enjoy that opportunity.
“I was hired at the University of Minnesota in February 1980. I was expected to have completed my PhD in social welfare and begin work as an assistant professor by the fall quarter. But I became very involved in a strike with fellow teaching assistants in Wisconsin and came to Minnesota as an instructor until I could complete my dissertation. That first quarter, I taught three new preps and finished and defended my dissertation. Every year since that first quarter has been filled with great experiences. My many opportunities and my many friendships have been a gift during my more than 40 years at the U of M.
“I have accomplished many of the goals we laid out for CEHD. Our research productivity has never been stronger, and I am proud of our work to establish the Learning Informatics Lab, the new Institute for Child and Adolescent Brain Health with the Medical School, the unified Lab School, and the new ICD building. We have advanced the entrepreneurial efforts of many of our faculty and created products that have significantly improved the use of educational tools. We are significantly more diverse and global in our faculty, staff, and students, as well as our teaching, outreach, and research. And lastly we are financially sound now and into the future.
“I thank each of you for your support of my leadership. I wish you all the best and look forward to a productive year and eventually joining you as a colleague in CEHD.”