The CEHD Dean’s Office has announced the names of faculty members who have been selected for endowed chairs and professorships effective July 1. They include:
Rashné Jehangir (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development)—Robert Holmes Beck Chair of Ideas in Education (new)
Nidhi Kohli (Department of Educational Psychology)—American Guidance Service, Inc. and John P. Yackel Professorship (new)
Endowed appointments are made after the dean consults with the CEHD senior management team and academic unit leadership. Professorships and chairs are primarily for faculty recognition of outstanding research, teaching, or service. Appointments are initially for a three-year term. At the conclusion of the appointment term, appointees may continue to hold the professorship or chair title for use as reference, which is consistent with other major University awards.
Faculty still serving their chair or professorship terms include:
Alexandre (Sasha) Ardichvili (Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development)—Hellervik/PDI Ninth House Endowed Chair
Bodong Chen (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)—Bonnie Westby Huebner Chair in Education and Technology
Clayton Cook (Department of Educational Psychology)—John W. and Nancy E. Peyton Faculty Fellow in Child and Adolescent Wellbeing
Donald Dengel (School of Kinesiology)—Leon-Taylor Professorship in Exercise Science and Health Enhancement
Deborah Dillon (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)—Guy Bond Chair in Reading
Abigail Gewirtz (Department of Family Social Science)—Lindahl Leadership Faculty Fund
Wendy Haight (School of Social Work)—Gamble-Skogmo Land Grant Chair in Child Welfare and Youth Policy
Panayiota (Pani) Kendeou (Department of Educational Psychology)—Guy Bond Chair in Reading
Ann Masten (Institute of Child Development)—Irving B. Harris Professorship in Child Development
Kristen McMaster (Department of Educational Psychology)—June and Phillip and Leo and Christine Stern Family Professorship of Reading Success
Bic Ngo (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)—Wallace Professorship for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
Marek Oziewicz (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)—Sidney and Marguerite Henry Endowed Professorship of Children’s Literature
Jean Quam (Dean’s Office)—Robert Holmes Beck Chair of Ideas in Education
Michael Rodriguez (Department of Educational Psychology)—Campbell Leadership Chair in Education and Human Development
Frank Symons (Department of Educational Psychology)—Emma Birkmaier Educational Leadership Professorship
Amanda Sullivan (Department of Educational Psychology)—Emma Birkmaier Educational Leadership Professorship
Katie Thomas (Institute of Child Development)—William Harris Professorship in Child Development
Philip Zelazo (Institute of Child Development)—Nancy M. and John E. Lindahl Endowed Professorship for Excellence in Teaching and Learning