Dengel gives invited presentation, has article published

DengelD-2005Dr. Donald Dengel, Kinesiology professor of exercise physiology, recently gave a talk at the GE Lunar National Sales Meeting. His presentation, “Goals of Metabolic Health Research”, took place in Phoenix, Arizona this past Tuesday.
In related news, Dr. Dengel also had his article, “Impact of changes in screen time on blood profiles and blood pressure in adolescents over a two year period” published. The citation is as follows:
Dengel DR, Hearst MO, Harmon JH, Lytle LA: Impact of changes in screen time on blood profiles and blood pressure in adolescents over a two year period. In: Williams CA, Armstrong N (eds.), Children and Exercise XXVII: The Proceedings of the XXVIIth International Symposium of the European Group of Pediatrics Work Physiology, September, 2011. Oxon, England: Routledge, pp. 121-125, 2012