Drake Pham, Administrative Student Intern

Drake Pham

Drake Pham has been a hard-working member of the School of Kinesiology administrative team since September of 2022. Hailing from nearby Columbia Heights, Drake is finishing his first year at the University of Minnesota, saying “I’m pretty grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to stay close to home and be in one spot throughout my education.”

Drake has always had a fascination with sports and living an active lifestyle is a core tenet of his life. Throughout high school he was involved in a number of sports including soccer and track & field, but basketball was his main focus. He credits his experience with basketball for many of the values and principles that he continues to carry. A diligent study, he spent many extra hours practicing to reach the peak of his potential.

Previously, Drake had his first work experience with a family friend’s landscaping company. With that under his belt, he spent summers during high school working for the Columbia Heights Recreation Department. Additionally, he coached soccer during the fall season. Currently, he works with both the Timberwolves’ Action Pack as well as the School of Kinesiology. As part of the Action Pack he is on the Fan Experience Team, doing various promotions, throwing T-shirts, and generally acting as the “hype squad.”

Drake was very decisive in declaring his major: Sport Management. He knew that he wanted to work in a field that would continue to maintain his interest for years to come and that would place him in a position where if his body wouldn’t necessarily be as active at work, his mind would be.

In his position as a student administrative intern Drake performs a broad variety of duties. On each day, he is never fully certain what he’ll be doing, but there are some constants such as ensuring that printers are stocked and distributing mail. Preferring to keep active, he relishes any opportunity afforded by his position to do tasks around the building, such as moving furniture from room to room or into storage. As for another of his favorite parts of his position, he says, “Here at the School of Kinesiology, they always make it clear that my schooling comes first, and that’s something I’ve really valued and treasured about this program.”

Looking forward, Drake hopes to learn more about software in his position, and to continue to build relationships with faculty. Eventually, he plans to utilize the skills he’s learned and the experiences he’s had to work in organizational management for an NBA team.

Drake spends his free time hanging out with friends, playing video games, and watching and playing basketball. His words to live by are, “Work with what you’re given, and stay true to what you have.”