Ed Psych events raise nearly $1,300 for Community Fund Drive

As part of the University of Minnesota’s Community Fund Drive (CFD), the Department of Educational Psychology hosted a number of events to benefit organizations in the community. In total, the department events raised $1,291.67 which was donated to causes selected by its faculty, staff, and students.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness, Greater Twin Cities United Way, Minnesota Environmental Fund, and Open Your Hearts to the Hungry and Homeless all received funding as part of the department’s CFD events.

CFD activities included a penny war between academic programs, a traveling (dessert cart) bake sale, a chili cook-off, a silent auction, and office invasions by an inflatable pterodactyl.

Winners of the penny war (the special education program) and the chili cook-off (Lecturer Rob Henery) were given the opportunity to award the money from their events to the charitable organizations of their choice.

Donations to the department’s Community Fund Drive events, along with monetary donations from faculty and staff, resulted in a total of $15,416.27 given to the causes department members care about most. 76.71% of Department of Educational Psychology faculty and staff participated in the drive–the highest participation of any unit in the College of Education and Human Development.

Thanks to Department of Educational Psychology faculty, staff, and students for making this year’s Community Fund Drive so successful and so much fun!