Ed Psych students present research at GSRD 2020

Special education PhD student Pang Chaxiong presents her research at GSRD.

The 20th Annual Educational Psychology Graduate Student Research Day (GSRD) was held on February 28, 2020 to celebrate outstanding student accomplishments in research. GSRD provides an opportunity for graduate students to present their research and to be recognized by peers and faculty.

The event took place in the Mississippi Room in Coffman Memorial Union and featured four student research paper presentations and 23 posters on display with students available for Q&A. Faculty, peers, alumni, and prospective students were able to walk around and learn more about the variety of research taking place within the department. Following the event, the department hosted a reception for presenters and attendees at the Campus Club.

GSRD is a well-attended and well-recognized event at the University of Minnesota, and the Department of Educational Psychology continues to be pleased with the excellent work students produce on their research accomplishments.

View the 2020 GSRD program for more information on presentation and program topics.

View pictures from the event on our Facebook page.