FSOS professor to take research project on the road

a professor.
Virginia Solis Zuiker.

Virginia Solis Zuiker, associate professor in Family Social Science, will be conducting research at two county fairs this summer as part of a University of Minnesota pilot program.

The University of Minnesota’s Driven to Discover initiative (D2D) is conducting a pilot project to extend research opportunities to county fairs across Minnesota.

The D2D Research facility at the Minnesota State Fair has reached over 110,000 individuals since 2013, however the majority of participants are from the metro area, representing a disproportionately high percentage of urban residents. Research that supports the needs of rural Minnesotans is of paramount importance in fulfilling the University’s land grant mission and demonstrating the University’s value beyond the metro area.  Consequently the initiative is expanding to include county fairs and test the D2D infrastructure this summer.

“Fair board leaders are excited about our presence and we’re thrilled to bring research opportunities out to rural communities,” says Annie Hotop, manager of D2D.

 Dr. Zuiker’s research project, “Let’s Talk About Money,” will survey the money values and behaviors, as well as money management practices of rural Minnesotans who attend county fairs in Greater Minnesota. Her research agenda includes family financial issues, economic well-being of families – particularly diverse families, as well as family resource management. Dr. Zuiker is a longtime member of the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education(AFCPE) and is the University’s supervising faculty member for the AFCPE’s Accredited Financial Counselor program. The Department of Family Social Science is the only AFC accredited program in the state of Minnesota.

She will be at the Rock County Fair in Luverne Friday and Saturday, July 29 and 30, 12 – 7 p.m. and at the Beltrami County Fair in Bemidji, Thursday, August 11, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

The D2D initiative is sponsoring research booths at county fairs in Fillmore, Rock, Fairbault, Stevens, and Beltrami Counties.