In memoriam: Lesley ‘JoAnne’ Buggey

CEHD is saddened to report that Lesley “JoAnne” Buggey, a longtime lecturer in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, passed away on January 9. She was 82 years old.

Buggey received her BS from Macalester College in 1960. She later attended the University of Washington where she earned her MEd in 1968 and PhD in 1971. She came to CEHD in December 1978 and served as a lecturer for 26 years before retiring in May 2005. 

She prided herself in teaching classroom management and discipline. In 2002, her students all ordered and wore shirts that said “What Would Dr. Buggey Do?” This was modeled after Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone’s slogan.

Her social studies book, America! America!, was adopted by the Department of Education as the statewide textbook in California, Texas, and New York for K-6 education. Originally written in the 1970s, the book went through at least five editions. After retirement, she continued writing and produced eight children’s books about agriculture—beef cattle, pigs, corn, and soybeans, writing one for elementary and one for intermediate grades. The Farm Bureau gave her and her coauthor, Susan Anderson, an award, The National Book of the Year, for the first book, Soybeans. One state bought her book on soybeans for every student in its elementary schools—16,000 copies.

Buggey also served as a consultant and speaker for various organizations. She was a member of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and the Minnesota Council for Social Studies, a past board director of the National Council Geographic Education, and a national committee member of the National Council Social Studies.

“JoAnne was truly one of the most magnificent people whom I have had the pleasure of knowing,” said Dr. James Mitchell, a professor of the teacher education department at California State University, East Bay. “She was the best teacher whom I have ever known, and she taught me almost all of what I know about teaching. I had the honor of being mentored by JoAnne at the U of M in the 90s and we have stayed very close friends since. Her patience and knowledge blended with the highest level of class and professionalism that one could hope for in a teacher. More importantly, JoAnne was incredibly generous and kind, and impacted many lives in a positive manner.”

Buggey’s generous spirit manifested itself in various ways. She established the Leslie F. Buggey Scholarship at the University of Manitoba in memory of her father, who was a pharmacist and held his degree from this university. At CEHD, she established the Pricilla Hawn Fellowship, named for a CEHD alum who was a close friend; the JoAnne Buggey Endowed Fellowship in Elementary Education for a graduate student studying in the area of elementary education; and the JoAnne Buggey Endowed Chair in Elementary Education. Buggey and her fellowship recipient spoke at a 2001 Presidents Dinner about her gift and its impact. She became an inspiration to women across the University who had never thought about their own philanthropic passions. 

In 2017, Buggey received a letter from an elementary alum. It read: “In your class, I was drawn to the vision of a classroom that supported equality, acceptance, and rich discussion. It is with deep and belated gratitude that I offer this tribute to you, the most influential figure in my career preparation. Thank you for your guidance and your encouragement. Thank you, too, for your continuing presence in the life of the College of Education and Human Development; I feel connected, through you, to an amazing network of fellow teachers who have known your support.”

Make a gift to the JoAnne Buggey Endowed Fellowship in Elementary Education.
