Konczak is co-investigator on research grant with Italian Institute of Technology

konczakJDr. Juergen Konczak, professor of kinesiology, is co-investigator on an interdisciplinary research grant with the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT). Dr. Konczak will be working with two researchers from IIT, principal investigators Valentina Squeri and Marianna Semprini, on the project, “Robotic Rehabilitation for Brain Injured Patients Based on Multimodal, Bidirectional Feedback.”
The grant award, close to $160,000 (131,840 euros) supports researcher exchange and equipment for the co-investigator. A doctoral student and a postdoc will spend several months in Konczak’s Human Sensorimotor Motor Control lab for training, and members of HSMC will travel to IIT. The start date is January, 2013. Congratulations, Dr. Konczak, on this interdisciplinary, international collaboration.