Loch receives ‘Thank a Teacher’ note from student

Suzanne Loch head shot
Suzanne Loch

The Center for Education Innovation’s (CEI), Thank a Teacher program allows students to provide unsolicited feedback by sending thank you notes to teachers who make a positive difference in their education and personal development.

Suzanne Loch, senior teaching specialist in the Department of Educational Psychology’s quantitative methods in education program, recently received one of these “thank a teacher” notes which showcases the impact she has on her students and the positive environment she creates in her classroom.

The note reads:

“I really appreciated your teaching style and the set up of your course. I learned so much and cultivated a love for statistics that I did not have before. I had so much fun participating in discussions and completing the assignments. I would take this course again and will be recommending it to others!”

-Student in Suzanne Loch’s online section of EPSY 3264: Basic and Applied Statistics

Have you had a teacher that has made a difference in your education? Visit CEI’s website to thank them.

The Center for Education Innovation’s (CEI) Thank a Teacher Program allows students to provide unsolicited recognition by sending thank you notes to professors who make a positive difference in their achievement and development.