Mathew Hemsch, Administrative Student Intern

Headshot of a smiling Matt Hemsch
Mathew Hemsch

Matt Hemsch came to the School of Kinesiology staff as an administrative intern in the fall of 2022. Hailing from Cottage Grove, Matt is a Minnesota native. He came to the School of Kinesiology from the Engineering program, motivated by a passion for movement. 

Having previously worked in warehouses and this past summer as a server at a seat-service movie theater Alamo Drafthouse, Matt brings a friendly face to his position as an administrative intern. He earnestly expresses his appreciation for the position, comparing it to his previous work in warehouses, which he described as, “Not ideal.” While in the College of Science and Engineering, Matt assisted the Physics department in setting up and taking down physics demonstrations for lectures. 

Matt appreciates the variety of responsibilities that come with his position and that each day brings new challenges and experiences. Some days are spent assisting assisting TAs with conference room access, some with helping students find rooms or faculty offices, and others spent others spent moving furniture to and from storage.

To Matt, the best part of working with the School of Kinesiology is the people. The knowledge and insight that staff and faculty members are able to share has been invaluable, especially when looking towards the future. He hopes that his position will continue to afford him new opportunities to connect with faculty. Matt looks forward to learning more about communication, problem solving, and applying the tools in his belt to new challenges.

Looking to his future, Matt expresses interest in pursuing a career in athletic training and physical therapy. He already has some experience in physical therapy, having volunteered at M Health Fairview where he shadowed PTs, assisting in rehabilitation practices and in other tasks such as cleaning and preparing rooms.

Matt has always enjoyed athletics and movement having played soccer competitively throughout high school. He continues to enjoy soccer and seeks opportunities to play via intramural teams and pick up games. Other than soccer, he is a member of the gymnastics club and spends as much time outdoors as he is able. 

Matt’s most recently developed talent is the ability to do a frontflip. 

As for words of wisdom, Matt shares, “How you treat your body is how you treat your mind. Start at the base–with a physical foundation, your mind can do more.”