Ben Peterson, Kinesiology PhD student, co-authors ebook

Triphasictraining-2TMr. Ben Peterson, Kinesiology Ph.D. student in exercise physiology, is first author on an ebook that has recently been released:
Triphasic training is designed to break down dynamic, athletic movements into three components (eccentric, isometric, and concentric), which improves performance and allows athletes to continuously develop strength, speed, and power. In this book, the authors demonstrate how to incorporate the Triphasic methods into existing strength and conditioning programs. Over 3,000 exercises are included with specific performance instructions. Mr. Peterson co-authored the book with Cal Dietz, head Olympic strength and conditioning coach for numerous sports at the U of M since 2000. The complete citation is below.
Peterson, B. & Dietz, C. (2012). Triphasic Training; A Systematic Approach to Elite Speed and Explosive Strength Performance. ISBN: 978-0-9851743-0-9
Mr. Peterson is advised by Dr. Stacy Ingraham and Dr. Arthur Leon.
