New Issue of Reconsidering Development Available

Masthead of the Reconsidering Development journal.

Reconsidering Development, an open access, peer reviewed, and international e-journal published primarily by faculty and staff of the Comparative and International Development Education program in OLPD, has published a new issue. The journal aims to create an equitable space for dialogue concerning critical development issues as it relates to public health, economics, education, environmental studies, law, human rights and other fields.

The theme of the latest issue is “Self-knowledge and Advocacy.” Contributors engage with self-knowledge as a reflexive practice — as an approach to express their ‘embodied’ voices, and their diverse experiences by writing on policy, academic discourse, and their own shared memories. This issue also highlights the scholarship of students (who are often on the lower rungs of academic hierarchy) through their unique perspectives as contemporary scholars, in an attempt to recentre the self in the process of knowledge production:

If you are interested in joining RDJ as an editor / editorial board member, please email