PhD graduate Giveans, Stoffregen, and colleagues publish in Ecological Psychology

Kinesiology scholars collaborated to publish the following article:
Giveans, M. R., Yoshida, K., Bardy, B. G., Riley, M. A., & Stoffregen, T. A. (2011). Postural sway and the amplitude of horizontal eye movements. Ecological Psychology, 23, 247-266.
Lead author M. Russ Giveans received his PhD in Kinesiology in 2010. He studied in the Affordance Perception-Action Laboratory (APAL) under Dr. Tom Stoffregen’s supervision. Ken Yoshida is a PhD student in APAL, working under Dr. Stoffregen’s supervision. Dr. Bardy is a professor of Sport Science at the University of Montpellier-1 (France), and Dr. Riley is a professor of Psychology at the University of Cincinnati.