We interviewed quantitative methods in education (QME) PhD student Ozge Ersan Cinar about her research interests and experience in the program.
What are your research interests?
I am interested in computerized testing that includes technology-enhanced item types and adaptive testing. In addition, I am following new developments in international large scale assessments like Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), and how they are merging with computerized testing.
How did your path lead to the Department of Educational Psychology and your particular major?
I earned my bachelor’s degree in mathematics education at Hacettepe University in Turkey in 2013. During those years, I took several classes in educational sciences, including an introductory course in educational measurement and evaluation. One day, we had a guest speaker from a very famous Dutch testing company’s (CITO) Turkey office that showed me another way of using my degree and what I learned as a potential Mathematics teacher. Immediately after my graduating, I entered my master’s degree in educational measurement and evaluation program in my alma mater. There, I realized I really enjoyed the field, and began to have a desire for a doctorate in the United States that led me to the QME program with a specialization in educational measurement.
What surprised you along the way?
Actually, after I came to the U.S. and QME, recognizing how my field is interdisciplinary really surprised me. I feel like, educational measurement sits at the intersection of educational/social theories, statistics, and data science, and of course, its own philosophy. I think, we can even consider political/policy aspect as another facet.
What is something you’ve most enjoyed about your experience?
It’s really fun and worth all the painful, hard work when the fancy-sounding statistical models (which seemed to be a black box at first) start making sense in time. That is a true joy I have had in graduate school (but it takes time, and requires serious hard work for sure).
What is most exciting about your work?
I also enjoy conducting substantial research in education. I like taking a class and practicing with the assignments, projects, and other research experiences. However, the most exciting part is (in time) being able to do your own research you are really interested in, and to try to understand the story your data is telling.
How would you describe the student experience and what does that mean to you?
To me, undergraduate study feels like a last stop of a long educational journal that starts with preschool or first grade. However, for PhD, I see it as a first stop to a new career of being an independent scholar. I believe that graduate school is the best place to be challenged and make mistakes academically and learn from them. I am also open to any new experiences—research, teaching, and leadership roles to be well prepared for life after my PhD. In my department, faculty, staff, my cohort—everyone in the department—is really helpful to achieve these goals.
What has been most challenging?
The most challenging part of my graduate study for me comes from its own nature. Meeting the class requirements and passing them with high grades is not enough anymore to satisfy the “learning.” Rather, it is an ongoing process all the time, any place. It is much more of your own responsibility. At first, adapting this new student lifestyle was challenging, but it was a fun challenge and, I think, a very natural way to become an independent researcher.
How have your professors helped you along the way?
The faculty here are very approachable and friendly. They really care about the students and preparing them to the life after PhD as a scholar in general.
What would you like prospective students to know?
University of Minnesota is a very large institution. You can find different classes not only from Educational Psychology but also from other departments—theoretical or applied—depending on your research interest. Also, there are assistantship opportunities from different research centers or programs across the campus.
How has your cohort helped you along the way?
We have a supportive learning environment, rather than being competitive. For example, I am a member of Minnesota Youth Development Research Group, and we prepare American Educational Research Association (AERA) and National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) papers together collaboratively and celebrate success together during the conferences. Whenever I seek academic and social advice from them, my peers are always helpful.
What are you looking forward to with graduation?
Very briefly, I am looking forward to have a position in which I can continue to be engaged in research.
How do you plan to use what you are learning/your degree?
In my graduate study, I have been learning many interesting topics and sometimes in pieces. Hopefully with graduation, I am really looking forward to be able to connect more interesting pieces in my prospective research.
Any additional information you would like people to know?
International students: we have a great International Students and Scholar Service (ISSS). They are very helpful and really know what they are doing.