Reading + Learning Lab presents six times at ST&D

Six projects associated with the Reading + Learning Lab were presented at the Society for Text & Discourse (ST&D) Annual Conference in New York City which occurred July 9-11.

The Society for Text and Discourse is an international society of researchers who investigate all aspects of discourse processing and text analysis.

The purpose of the Society is to consolidate research in discourse processing and to enhance communication among researchers in different disciplines. A second objective of the society is to contribute to the education and professional development of those in the field or entering the field.

The presentations—focused on knowledge revision and reading/language comprehension—are listed below:

*Aubele, J., *Butterfuss, R., *Harsch, R., & Kendeou, P. (2019, July). Epistemic dimensions of language and their influence on trust and belief of information. Poster presented at the Society for Text & Discourse Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

*Bresina, B. C., *Kim, J., McMaster, K. L., & Kendeou P. (2019, July). Learning from video texts: The relation between text cohesion and reader comprehension skill. Poster presented at the Society for Text & Discourse Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

*Butterfuss, R., *Aubele, J. D., *Morara, G., *Zaccoletti, S., Mason, L., & Kendeou, P. (2019, July). How do source credibility and justification for knowing influence knowledge revision on social media? Poster presented at the Society for Text & Discourse Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

*Butterfuss, R., *Kim, J., *Aubele, J. D., *Bresina, B., *Harsch, R., McMaster, K., & Kendeou, P. (2019, July). The promise of a Technology-Based Early Language Comprehension Intervention (TELCI) for students with comprehension difficulties. Poster presented at the Society for Text & Discourse Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

*Harsch, R., & Kendeou, P. (2019, July). Analogical reasoning as a catalyst for knowledge revision. Poster presented at the Society for Text & Discourse Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

*Kim, J., *Butterfuss, R., *Harsch, R., *Aubele, J., & Kendeou, P. (2019, July). When misconceptions strike back: The durability of the refutation text effect. Paper presented at the Society for Text & Discourse Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

* denotes student co-author

About the Reading + Learning Lab

The Reading + Learning Lab is led by Panayiota (Pani) Kendeou, Guy Bond Chair in Reading and Professor in the Department of Educational psychology. The lab examines the relationship between language and memory, with an emphasis on understanding and improving learning during reading. The lab also develops and applies technology-based interventions and assessments.