Rios receives ‘Thank a Teacher’ note from student

The Center for Education Innovation’s (CEI), Thank a Teacher program allows students to provide unsolicited feedback by sending thank you notes to teachers who make a positive difference in their education and personal development.

Joseph Rios, assistant professor in the Department of Educational Psychology’s quantitative methods in education program recently received one of these “thank a teacher” notes which showcases the impact he has on his students and passion for what he teaches.

The note reads:

“THANK YOU for sharing your wealth of knowledge about educational measurement with us last semester. Your clear enthusiasm for the content and authentic interest in helping us to think critically about the history, development and use of psychological assessments will carry us well into our future work. Additionally, I’d like to recognize the fact that you were able to do all of this your first semester on campus. Thank you for whatever late nights and days of work you put into making our experience meaningful and fruitful. U of M students are lucky to have you on campus!”

Have you had a teacher that has made a difference in your education? Visit CEI’s website to thank them.

The Center for Education Innovation’s (CEI) Thank a Teacher Program allows students to provide unsolicited recognition by sending thank you notes to professors who make a positive difference in their achievement and development.