Sandra Christenson receives CEHD Distinguished Alumni Award

Sandra Christenson, Department of Educational Psychology alumnus and professor emeritus in school psychology, was honored with the CEHD Distinguished Alumni Award on November 29, 2018, at a ceremony recognizing “alumni who have brought distinction to their professions and communities.” Dr. Christenson completed her PhD in Educational Psychology in 1988 and joined the department faculty until her retirement in 2015.

Dr. Christenson’s extensive professional contributions to scholarship on family-school partnerships, student engagement, and related interventions, most notably Check & Connect, as well as her leadership in the field of school psychology, have garnered numerous honors throughout her career. These include the National Association of School Psychologists’ Distinguished Lecturer Award (2010), CEHD’s Excellence in Research Award (2009), American Psychological Association’s Senior Scientist Award (2009) and Lightner Witmer Early Career Award (1992), and the Council of Directors of School Psychology Program’s Outstanding Contributions to the Profession Award (2009).

“Sandy has left an indelible mark on our field and education more broadly—both within the US and internationally—in shaping how we think about engaging students and families, and how we create more supportive, effective educational environments,” school psychology coordinator, Amanda Sullivan said. “The program, and school psychology at large, continue to benefit from her scholarship and leadership.”

Dr. Christenson continues her active engagement in scholarship and mentoring, along with extensive civic engagement and volunteering throughout the Twin Cities-Metro.