SMGT students compete in Media Plan Case Competition

Students in the School of Kinesiology’s Sport Management courses recently participated in the Media Plan Case Competition,  the first round of the Media Scholars Program. Run by the Washington Media Scholars Foundation, the competition challenges students to think strategically, dive into the deep-end of marketing impressions, and work with numbers and budgets.

Students in the Sport Management Senior Seminar class paired off and submitted 11 projects to be evaluated for the qualifying round of the MediaPlan Case Competition. Four teams were selected to move on to round two as well as one team from the introductory Sport Management class. Seniors  Zach Chase and Justin Malloy, Seongman An and Jinki Hong, Casey Berens and Tyler Getman, Kathryn Wallskog and Wade Hofmeister as well as underclassmen Victoria Taubner were all selected to move on to the second round.The Media Scholars program begins with the Media Plan Case Competition, and requires students to create strategic media plans for a hypothetical issue involving sport. Finalists earn an all-expense paid trip to Washington, DC for Media Scholars Week, where they are introduced to dozens of nationally recognized media industry leaders. On the last day, each finalist team presents their media plan to a panel of judges. Professionals then gather to recognize the finalists and celebrate the winners at a networking reception held at the Newseum.

Follow their progress here: