Smith is lead author in forthcoming text; Wade serves as co-author

SmithT-0000Thomas Smith, lecturer in the School of Kinesiology, is the lead author in a new book to be published this month by CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, titled, “Variability in Human Performance.”

The book is the latest in the CRC Press Human Factors/Ergonomics book series. Co-authors are School of Kinesiology faculty Michael Wade, Tom Fisher (Dean, University of Minnesota College of Design), and Robert Henning (Psychology, University of Connecticut). The chapters within the book deal with performance variability in motor, cognitive, and affective performance, in learning in K-12 classrooms, as a consequence of displaced sensory feedback, in human error, in social and team performance, in macroergonomic, economic and nation-state performance, as a consequence of fracture-critical design, and from an evolutionary perspective.