Special ed PhD alum receives award for dissertation

Gena Nelson

Gena Nelson, alumni of the Department of Educational Psychology’s special education program, PhD ‘17 and an assistant professor at Boise State University’s Department of Early and Special Education, received the 2019 Marjorie Montague Dissertation Award for her study, “The effects of early numeracy interventions for students in preschool and early elementary: A meta-analysis.”

The Marjorie Montague Dissertation Award is given by the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities (IARLD) and is a significant international research award in the domain of students with Learning Disabilities.

According to the IARLD awards committee, Nelson received the award for her work investigating “an interesting and important educational topic” using “rigorous” research methods and “well presented” results with both “theoretical and educational implications.”

Congratulations to Dr. Nelson on this well-deserved honor!