Student achievements recognized at 2020 Psych Foundations and QME Awards and Recognition Ceremony

On May 6, faculty and students from the psychological foundations of education and quantitative methods programs attended the 2020 Psych Foundations and QME Award Recognition Ceremony via Zoom.

Psychological foundations of education students Jimin Park, Tayler Loiselle, and Jesslyn Valerie as well as quantitative methods in education student Sam Ihlenfeldt were acknowledged for their noteworthy work to their programs at the annual Psych Foundations and QME Awards and Recognition Ceremony.

Not pictured: Jimin Park

Quantitative methods in education awards:

Sam Ihlenfeldt – Graduate Student Leadership Award

Psychological foundations of education awards:

Jimin Park – Graduate Student Research Award
Tayler Loiselle– Graduate Student Leadership Award
Jesslyn Valerie – Graduate Student Research Award

Congratulations to all of the award winners!