Traffic/pedestrian impacts of Fraser Hall project

A construction project at Fraser Hall is now underway. The project involves removing two building additions, renovating the original portion, and building a five-story addition. This project is due to be completed in September 2025.  During construction, adjacent building occupants and pedestrians will notice several impacts:

New accessible parking location. Accessible parking will move from behind Fraser Hall and adjacent to Appleby Hall to the Wulling Hall parking lot.  Contract parking at Wulling Hall has been moved to other locations.  The Wulling Hall parking lot is also under construction to improve the grade and to meet ADA requirements.  Some accessible parking stalls have been created behind Bruininks Hall (accessible from East River Road).  The easiest path from those stalls would be to enter Bruininks, take the elevator up to the street level, and exit the building using the exit adjacent to Appleby Hall.

Pedestrian traffic moved to east side of Pleasant Avenue. Because the site is very tight, the sidewalk in front of Fraser Hall is expected to be closed throughout the duration of the construction project.  Pedestrian traffic will be routed across the street to the sidewalk in front of Walter Library (see image). 

Appleby Hall pathway from Pleasant Street to East River Road: Each of the two accessible entrances to Appleby Hall will be offline at different points in time while the pathway between the two is improved. The east or Pleasant Street accessible entrance is planned to be closed first for about two weeks. Afterward, the west or East River Road accessible entrance is planned to be closed first for three to four weeks. During this construction period, pedestrians will not be able to cross from one entrance to the other.
