Brown and Lundstrom publications accepted by Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise

Kinesiology Ph.D students Scott Brown and Chris Lundstrom recently had two publications accepted for print in the journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. The following are citations for each:
Brown, S.R., Ingraham, S.J., Yank, J.R. & Langen, J.M. (2012). Body composition and weight changes based on gender during a 15-week marathon training program. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44:5 Supplement. In Press.
Lundstrom, C.J., Ingraham, S. J., & Rhodes, G.S. (2012). Field testing vs. physiological testing in novice marathoners. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44:5 Supplement. In Press.
Also contriubting to the publications were Dr. Stacy Ingraham, adviser to both Brown and Lundstrom; Greg Rhodes, Ph.D. student of Dr. Stacy Ingraham; Jordan Langen, Kinesiology student and McNair Scholar under the direction of Dr. Stacy Ingraham; and Dr. Jane Yank, adjunct instructor for Kinesiology.