CEHD News Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement

CEHD News Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement

Evaluating student learning beyond the basics

Educational leaders across the country are catching on to the idea that traditional grading practices and standardized tests do not adequately capture the scope of what young people know and can do. With funding from The Civic Affairs Trust, education researchers at the University of Minnesota have developed two resources to rethink and improve the evaluation of student learning in schools.

“Academic learning isn’t the only outcome of a public education that matters to families and communities,” says Sara Kemper, Research Associate at the UMN Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI). “By the time they graduate, we want our young people to be able to navigate college and the workplace, solve complex problems, and contribute to their communities, among other skills.”

Beyond the Basics: Lessons from Innovative Schools on Evaluating Student Learning identifies ways to evaluate student learning that more thoroughly reflect the breadth and specificity of learning outcomes that our society expects from schools, and that students want for themselves. Kemper and her co-authors looked at case studies of five U.S. schools and districts currently implementing innovative student evaluation systems. A companion guide, Evaluating Student Learning “Beyond the Basics” is intended for PreK-12 leaders interested in exploring innovative approaches to evaluating student learning. Specifically, it identifies practices in evaluating learning beyond academics, including career readiness skills, social and emotional competencies, and other important outcomes. 

For more information and to access the resources, visit carei.umn.edu/beyond-the-basics.

About CAREIThe Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) is a research center within the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities College of Education and Human Development that serves as the link between research and practice in Minnesota schools, PreK-16, and other agencies interested in applied educational research. They are experts in research, evaluation, literacy, and assessment with a wealth of diverse and interrelated experience.

Contact: Sara Kemper, Research Associate, CAREI | 612-624-7235 | skemper@umn.edu

Pekel featured in an article by MPR on the Read Act

Katie Pekel

Katie Pekel, Executive Director of Educational Leadership in the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development (OLPD) was featured in an article by MPR that discusses the impact of the recently passed education omnibus bill which lawmakers have called the Read Act. This bill provides a $100 million investment to improve literacy instruction across the state.

The article states, “When it comes to how the bill aligns with what the body of research says on how kids learn to read, Pekel had only praise:

‘It’s really clear in laying out that we’re first going to identify what research and experts actually say work … that has not happened in my time as an educator in Minnesota,’ Pekel said. ‘This is how to teach kids to read, not what to teach kids.'”

The Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) will be working with the Minnesota Department of Education on a variety of activities in relation to the Read Act.

Seeing Opportunity with the Minnesota Student Survey

Sara Kemper and Laura Potter, researchers with the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement’s (CAREI) Evaluation Core, were key authors on a report released by Education Evolving, Seeing Opportunity with the Minnesota Student Survey.

Student surveys are critical to student-centered learning. They help paint a holistic picture of student experiences—and inform school improvement in areas like engagement, climate, and culture. Minnesota’s survey provides some key insights currently, but could be even more valuable if it was more relevant to and used by those who work with youth each day: educators, families, and students themselves.

This report presents recommendations stemming from conversations with survey users across Minnesota as well as a 50-state analysis of surveys around the country, including to:

  • Shorten the survey and provide disaggregated results to schools faster
  • Make it easier to act on survey results and get support from state agencies in doing so
  • Branch off a second, shorter annual survey schools could give as a pulse-check for their school improvement efforts

CAREI releases results of surveys of MN K-12 educators, families, and students

Minnesota educators, families and students agree that addressing student and educator mental health is a top concern, according to a University of Minnesota analysis of the Minnesota Safe Learning Survey (SLS) that was distributed in the winter, spring and fall of 2021. There were more than 53,000 respondents to the three surveys from across Minnesota, and their concerns were clear. “Mental health not only consistently showed up as the most pressing concern of educators, the concern increased over time,” said Katie Pekel, the Principal in Residence at the University of Minnesota.

The SLS was distributed by the Wisconsin-Minnesota Comprehensive Center (WMCC) in the University of Minnesota’s College of Education and Human Development for the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). The goal of the statewide SLS was to provide a broad picture of how those most impacted by the state’s Safe Learning Plan experienced it.

In addition to mental health concerns, the series of surveys also revealed that respondents feel as though academic learning has increased for K-12 students (compared to the previous school year), as have comfort levels with technology. Student respondents expressed a desire for change with respect to equity, citing a need for more instruction on systemic racism and sexual identity as well as more prevention and intervention for racism and racial microaggressions. Additionally, academic support continues to be a need, and all groups indicated that more change needs to happen with COVID-19 protocols and school infrastructure. 

With over 53,000 individual responses across three surveys, there is an abundance of evidence supporting these findings. “Moving forward, schools will no doubt continue to seek innovative ways to engage and support students. However, they will be doing it amid a tremendous amount of stress on the system, and the educators in it,” said Pekel. These findings can offer insights to guide the next phase of providing education during the pandemic and beyond. 

Key Findings:

Mental health concerns:

  • Mental health support is needed for students and staff on many levels including prevention and intervention of bullying/harassment, self-harm and suicide. Respondents expressed a strong interest in building positive relationships among students and between students and teachers.
  • Teaching and learning environments need to be changed to better support mental health. Suggestions included more manageable workloads for staff, student engagement opportunities, clearer communication for students, and more doable lessons and assignments.

Learning & engagement. As the education landscape changed throughout 2021, so did the opinions that families, students and educators held about student learning and engagement. 

  • Students reported they learned more in fall 2021 than they had since the pandemic began in March 2020. 
  • Engaging students in learning was both successful and challenging. Respondents reported that it was particularly challenging to elicit deep levels of engagement from students during periods of distance or hybrid learning and to re-engage highly disengaged students, especially as the pandemic has continued.

The lasting effects of COVID-19. Findings from the series of three surveys (winter, spring, and fall 2021) all demonstrate that COVID-19 dramatically disrupted schooling as we know it and will have lasting effects on education moving forward. 

  • Throughout 2021, students reported successes with technology.
  • COVID mitigation strategies were an area of disagreement. Respondents across groups reported ensuring the health and safety of students and staff as a success in the winter and spring of 2021 but a challenge in the fall of 2021. 
  • More supportive school infrastructure, prioritization of equity, and greater involvement of stakeholders in decision making were areas for learning and improvement moving forward. 

For more information, please refer to the:

New resource provides timely guidance for K-12 schools regarding assessments of student learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

CAREI, in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) through the Wisconsin-Minnesota Comprehensive Center – Region 10 (WMCC10) is producing a series of rapid briefs to provide succinct and timely guidance on best practices for K-12 schools and school-based early learning programs regarding assessments of student learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rapid Brief #1 synthesizes guidance from the MDE and existing guidance offered by professional educational associations, assessment/test vendors, state departments of education, and educational organizations (see reference list). This brief is intended for instructional and school/program leaders (including but not limited to principals, curriculum directors, instructional coaches, assessment coordinators, early learning coordinators, and special education administrators).

In this brief, you’ll find information on:

  • The purpose and role of assessments,
  • Assessment best practices pertaining to classroom assessments, standardized assessments, data-based decision making, family collaboration and,
  • Considerations for early learning assessments.

Demerath, colleagues: Here’s how teachers can build trust with students as schools open up

Peter Demerath, Sara Kemper, Eskender Yousuf, and Bodunrin Banwo

A group of CEHD faculty, staff, and graduate students recently published an op/ed in Minnpost which aims to emphasize the importance of building trust between students and educators as K-12 schools return to in-person learning.

Peter Demerath, OLPD Associate Professor; Sara Kemper, CAREI Research Associate; Eskender Yousuf, OLPD PhD student; and Bodunrin Banwo, OLPD adjunct instructor and PhD alumnus drew upon their qualitative research collaboration at Harding High School in St. Paul to inform their arguments in the op/ed.

In the piece, the authors argue that educators build trust by responding to six unspoken queries they had learned were often on the minds of their students: “Why are you here?,” “How much do you know and care about me?,” “How much do you respect me?,” “How real are you?,” “Do you know how to help me learn?,” and “What are you willing to do to help me?”

Read more.

CAREI launches survey to assess 2020-21 K-12 experiences

The Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) is working with the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) through the Wisconsin-Minnesota Comprehensive Center (WMCC) to launch the Minnesota Safe Learning Survey. The goal is to gather information via a survey of educators, students (grades 6-12), and families regarding their educational experiences this academic year.

The survey results will inform future MDE planning and support that the WMCC and the University may be able to provide to local schools and policymakers. In addition, CAREI intends to provide each district/charter a report that compares local data to statewide results.

For additional information about the survey, email CAREI@umn.edu.

CEHD releases results of survey of 13,000 MN educators on distance learning

Educators representing 409 school districts and charter schools responded to the survey in May and June 2020

A new, statewide examination from CEHD shows primary and secondary educators are concerned about continuing distance learning in the fall, students’ access to technology. However, they also expressed worry about the feasibility or safety of returning to in-person learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Minnesota PK-12 Distance Learning Survey, which collected responses from 13,077 teachers, support professionals, and administrators, was conducted in May and June 2020. In the survey, educators responded to questions about the successes and challenges associated with distance learning and provided additional context through open-ended answers.

The survey found that some educators described the end of the 2019-2020 academic year as “emergency work.” However, should distance learning continue, other educators indicated the work they conducted in the spring made them better prepared and equipped to teach and set expectations for the upcoming school year.

“Overall, what we found is that educators in our state are worried, yet optimistic about what fall will look like for them and their students,” said Katie Pekel, lead researcher on the survey. “However, there is an inherent tension within our educators. They know the benefits of in-person learning and challenges that need to be addressed with distance learning, but they want everyone — including their students and their families — to be safe from the virus.”

Distance learning in spring of 2020
Ninety-nine percent of educators who responded to the survey stated they included an online component to their instruction in the spring of 2020. Educators reported solely utilizing real-time instruction via an online setting; only assigning online learning tasks the students conducted at their own pace; and a mix of both methods of instruction.

Reflected in the survey results are three primary areas educators say they and families need additional assistance in:

  • navigating online platforms (e.g., Schoology, Seesaw, Zoom);
  • effectively engaging students; and 
  • assessing students in these environments. 

To address these concerns, educators suggested limiting the number of online platforms to make it easier for families to support students; provide dedicated training and technical support to families and students who need additional support in using platforms; and clearly communicating expectations for attendance or participation in distance learning.

“Educators also expressed worry about the inequities distance learning highlighted and if these inequities would become larger,” said Kimberly Gibbons, director of CEHD’s Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement and researcher on the survey. “Access to technology was the most frequently cited concern, but educators also named a number of other challenges, including providing services to special education students and English as a second language learners.”

“While teachers selected technology and connecting with students and families as their most successful areas during distance learning, these were areas educators expressed an overwhelming desire for more support in the answers to their open-ended answers,” said Gibbons. “This could be the result of a mindset where educators felt successful, but also feel like they could improve in this area.”

Support professionals and administrators expressed similar challenges with supporting the needs of students with disabilities, supporting students’ mental health needs, and assessing student learning as challenges during distance learning.

“Ninety-four percent of the educators who responded to our survey have some level of worry that the pandemic is interfering with their ability to do their job,” said Pekel. “If distance learning is to continue in the fall, it can be more effective if educators can obtain the resources they need to better connect with students and their families.”

The Minnesota PK-12 Distance Learning Survey was funded by the University of Minnesota College of Education and Human Development (CEHD).

CAREI to co-lead new $6 million federal grant

A new partnership between the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI), the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the Wisconsin-based nonprofit Education Analytics has won a five-year, $6.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The project’s goal is to improve the academic achievement of elementary and secondary school students in the two-state region by advancing the use of evidence-based practices.

Forming the U.S. Department of Education Wisconsin-Minnesota Comprehensive Center (WMCC), the partnership intends to focus on key priorities identified by its state and regional stakeholders. They are:

  • developing a single, comprehensive needs assessment to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • building and sustaining continuous improvement processes, including strategic planning and identification of evidence-based practices and how to implement them.
  • understanding how to better support and retain effective teachers and leaders in high-needs urban and rural schools.
  • identifying high-quality educational choices for students in rural and low-income communities.
  • maintaining a strong focus on educational equity.

The WMCC will jointly engage the Minnesota Department of Education and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in an annual process to construct work plans to advance the priorities. As one of 19 regional comprehensive centers, the WMCC also will work with other regions and a national comprehensive center to share promising practices and leverage additional resources to deliver regional priorities.

The Department of Education’s Comprehensive Centers Program is designed to provide high quality and intensive capacity-building services to help state education agencies and their clients identify, implement and sustain evidence-based practices to support education outcomes pursuant to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015.

New book is a guide for universal instruction in K–12 schools

Book cover "Effective Universal Instruction"

Kimberly Gibbons, director of the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI), is the co-author of a new book, Effective Universal Instruction: An Action-Oriented Approach to Improving Tier 1(Guilford Press, 2019).

Part of a series about practical interventions in schools, Effective Universal Instruction explores improvements for Tier 1 instruction as a part of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). It provides a guide for evaluating Tier 1 effectiveness, overcoming barriers to successful implementation, and creating and maintaining sustainable instructional improvements. The book also includes reproducible checklists, worksheets, and forms to make implementation easier for school leadership teams.

Gibbons directed the St. Croix River Education District in Minnesota before joining CAREI. Her co-authors are Sarah Brown, senior director of learning and development at FastBridge Learning in Minnesota, and Bradley C. Niebling, bureau chief for learner strategies and supports at the Iowa Department of Education.

Learn more about the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement and director Kim Gibbons.

CEHD experts quoted in MinnPost on use of student data

Theodore J. Christ, professor (Educational Psychology) and director of the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement; Michael Rodriguez, professor (Educational Psychology) and Campbell Leadership Chair in Education and Human Development; and Mistilina Sato, associate professor (Curriculum & Instruction) and Campbell Chair for Innovation in Teacher Development were recently featured in the MinnPost article, “Minnesota is really good at collecting student data, but not the best at using it.”

The article discusses a recent report released by the Minnesota State Office of the Legislative Auditor which found “significant time and resources” were used to administer the tests but more than half of the principals and teachers surveyed said they felt “unprepared to interpret key test score data.”

“I mean, they’re just drowning in [data],” Christ told MinnPost. “It’s all over the place. And if they don’t have the capacity to use it, they just turn away from it.”

“Schools that get useful information from those MCAs are the ones that do the deeper dives,” Rodriguez explained in the article. “They look at the variability. They look at the group differences. They look at: How are students with these kinds of experiences doing versus students who don’t have those experiences, and which kinds of experiences are we giving a kid that helps them perform better? And that requires someone who can go in and breakdown those numbers and do some analysis. Not many schools have staff that can do that.”

“Every school seems to have its own assessment culture,” Sato explained to MinnPost. “Once you enter into the school, you have to first learn about how that school is using [data].”

The article mentions a class Rodriguez and Sato are developing for all students in Curriculum & Instruction’s teacher prep program. The course will help teacher candidates interpret the data available to them to better educate their students.

MinnPost ends the piece with an important question from Christ.

“We need to make a decision: Are we going to be a state who simply has decided data is not important? And then let’s stop collecting it, because we’re spending tens of millions of dollars collecting it, but we don’t know how to use it,” Christ told MinnPost. “Or are we going to be a state who values data and research? And [then] we’re both going to collect that data and support the use of it.”

Read the full article.

Dr. Christ to keynote MDE Back to School Conference

Theodore J. Christ headshot
Dr. Theodore J. Christ

Theodore J. Christ, director of the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) and professor in the Department of Educational Psychology’s school psychology program, will give a keynote speech at this year’s Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) Back to School Conference.

Dr. Christ’s talk will focus on the importance of using research, assessment, and evaluation to guide decision-making and educational practice. During the speech, Dr. Christ will discuss ideas on how evaluation data may be used for system improvement to accelerate student outcomes. Finally, he will share the results of a recent statewide needs assessment in the areas of research, evaluation, and assessment with an opportunity to provide input on ways to respond to statewide needs.

The MDE Back to School Conference hosts education leaders and takes place August 9 -10 at the Minneapolis Marriot Northwest. This year’s theme is Minnesota’s commitment to the drivers of effective education leadership.

Theodore J. Christ’s leadership supports CAREI’s mission of improving the quality of education for all learners, and thereby society as a whole, through four service offerings: 1) evaluation, 2) research, 3) assessment, and 4) innovation and outreach. As applied researchers and evaluators, CAREI strives to have an immediate impact on communities, listening to and working with clients and partners to understand their experiences. CAREI seeks to impact 80% of Minnesota students within five years.

Report reveals state’s substantial unmet educational needs in order to improve outcomes for all learners

A new report shows substantial unmet needs at all levels of Minnesota’s educational systems in order to improve learner outcomes through research, evaluation, assessment and data use, particularly in rural and high need communities.

Effective use of quality data in educational decisions can improve educational outcomes for all learners and help the state reduce the gap between the top performing students and those that struggle to meet proficiency levels.

The 2015 Minnesota Needs Assessment: Research, Evaluation, Assessment, and Data Use in Education identifies six categories of unmet needs—infrastructure, capacity, efficiency, time, training, and ease of use—with several key findings and results. The majority of respondents believe quality data can improve educational decisions; a common theme was that all stakeholders would benefit from additional assistance in the use of data.

Despite substantial motivations and efforts to use data, most districts lack the capacity to meet their own needs for data-based decision making, in part due to a lack of qualified personnel. Only 33 percent of districts reported having staff with advanced training in evaluation and assessment. More than 70 percent of survey respondents indicated their school’s or district’s capacity to effectively use data to guide educational decisions was fair or poor. Further, the lack of centralized services to support sound data practices throughout the state limits the potential of Minnesota’s educational system.

The report was issued by the University of Minnesota’s Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI). The findings are based on an extensive year-long process involving 800 individuals and educational leaders along with 13 professional organizations. This is the first time such a study has been conducted in Minnesota.

“We are grateful to the many individuals and organizations that generously shared their time and insights to develop this critical educational needs assessment,” said CAREI director Theodore Christ, associate professor of educational psychology. “It is clear we need to improve data literacy in Minnesota’s educational systems if we are serious about improving outcomes for all learners. But we do not want to simply provide recommendations. We want to provide the tools for educators and educational leaders to select the programs that have evidence associated with them so that as a state we can make meaningful advances in closing the performance gaps.”

Results of the needs assessment show that coordination of public resources is needed to identify common challenges among districts and coordinate efforts to implement solutions.

Minnesota has the opportunity to leverage current resources and establish a national model of collaboration based on the use of data and evidence to improve educational outcomes for all learners. Developing such an infrastructure may also substantially improve the effectiveness of the established state standards and data collection programs.

Education is the largest financial investment in the Minnesota state budget, and those investments place Minnesota students among the top performers in the nation. However, approximately 40 percent of Minnesota students did not meet state standards for proficiency in reading and math in 2015. Substantial gaps in opportunity and performance, commonly referred to as the achievement gap, persist for students of color and across ethnic groups, despite a range of efforts.


The Center for Applied Research And Educational Improvement (CAREI) was established in 1988 as an independent collegewide center in the University of Minnesota’s College of Education and Human Development to conduct rigorous, unbiased evaluation of innovative practices and policies in education. During the past 25 years, CAREI has completed more than 250 evaluation and research studies funded by federal and state agencies, local educational agencies, and foundations. These studies range from truancy reduction to later start times for high schools. The CAREI staff includes many with Ph.D.s from diverse backgrounds in educational psychology, statistics and measurement, curriculum and instruction, education policy and administration, educational leadership, and evaluation studies. CAREI project leaders coordinate research teams and collaborate with content experts and community members.

For more information, contact Kimberly Gibbons, CAREI’s associate director for innovation and outreach.


CAREI: Research, Development, and Engagement​

The Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) has an expanded mission and vision. The new CAREI will build capacity for Research, Development and Engagement throughout the university, state and region. The new mission and vision will be led by Theodore Christ as Director along with Delia Kundin and Kim Gibbons as Associate Directors. In addition to the program evaluation services that CAREI is known for, it now also provides consultation services for research and assessment. CAREI encourages interested partners to reach out to build collaborations (e.g., school districts, researchers).

This expansion occurs at the same time that CAREI celebrates its 25-Year Anniversary. Over the years, CAREI has completed nearly 600 studies that have had an enormous impact on teaching and learning, not only in Minnesota but across the U.S. The May 4th celebration included current and former CAREI staff, CEHD and University faculty collaborators, and many community partners, such as leaders from school districts, the Minnesota Department of Education, and neighborhood outreach groups. Former University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks and current President Eric Kaler, plus CEHD Dean Jean Quam, were on hand to speak about CAREI’s strong educational research tradition, as well as its future.

CAREI 25 Year Anniversary Event
Pictured clockwise from left to right starting at top left: Former and current CAREI Directors Karen Seashore, Geoffrey Maruyama, Kyla Wahlstrom, Theodore Christ, Jean King, and not pictured: Steve Yussen; President Eric Kaler; President Emeritus Robert Bruininks; CEHD Dean Jean Quam; University Professors, Staff, and School District Representatives Serena Wright, Peter Demerath, Nicola Alexander, and Peter Olson-Skog; CAREI Staff Delia Kundin, Tim Sheldon, Kristin Peterson, Debra Ingram, Jane Fields, Theodore Christ, Michael Michlin, Beverly Dretzke, Rachel Satterlee, Dale Blyth, Kyla Wahlstrom; School District Representatives and University Professors Peter Demerath, Deanne Magnusson, Rick Spicuzza, Laura Bloomberg, Peter Olson-Skog, Sandy Christenson, Heidi Barajas, David Heistad, Kyla Wahlstrom, Theodore Christ.

CAREI researchers present papers at MWERA conference

MWERA LogoBeverly Dretzke, Timothy Sheldon, and Alicia Lim presented their research at the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA) conference held in Evanston, Illinois, in November. Dretzke and Sheldon are research associates at the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI). Lim, a research assistant at CAREI, is a Bachelor of Arts candidate in the Department of Psychology.  Their co-authored paper was entitled, “What Do K-12 Teachers Think about Including Student Surveys in Their Performance Ratings?” The paper presented the results of a study on teachers’ opinions about the use of student surveys as a component of a teacher evaluation system.  Elementary school teachers were found to be less supportive of using student survey feedback in their evaluations than secondary school teachers.  In addition, teachers were more skeptical than principals with respect to the usefulness of student feedback for improving teaching performance.

Dretzke also presented a paper co-authored with Maurya Orr from the Center for Community Arts Partnerships (CCAP), Columbia College Chicago. Their paper summarized the four-year evaluation of Transforming Education Through the Arts and Media (TEAM), an arts integration program implemented in seventh- and eighth-grade core course classrooms in Chicago Public Schools. TEAM is based on the concept of the 21st century transliterate learner and is designed to increase teacher capacity to integrate media arts and technology in classroom practice and to increase student motivation and achievement.  Funding for TEAM was provided by an Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination (AEMDD) grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Education.

CAREI to serve as project evaluator for new grant focusing on underrepresented college students

The Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement will serve as the project evaluator for a new $2.8 million CEHD grant. The project will focus on improving engagement of underrepresented and low-income college students and is part of the First in the World program. Read the full story.

Study of Family Liaison Positions in High-Poverty, Urban Schools

Education and Urban Society has published a study authored by Beverly Dretzke, a CAREI Research Associate, and Susan Rickers, a former CAREI Graduate Research Assistant who is now an Assistant Professor of Social Work at Bemidji State University. The paper, titled “The Family Liaison Position in High-Poverty, Urban Schools,” examines the roles and responsibilities of family liaisons working in urban schools with enrollments characterized by high poverty, high mobility, and ethnic diversity.

Results of the study indicated that the major responsibilities of the liaisons were creating a trusting and welcoming environment, facilitating parent involvement in the schools, keeping parents informed on school-related topics, and connecting parents with resources. To increase their effectiveness, the liaisons requested greater job clarity and more flexibility in their formal work hours. In general, it appeared that the family liaisons investigated in this study placed a stronger emphasis on creating a welcoming environment and establishing trust than has been found in research on family liaisons in more affluent communities.

CAREI Researchers Receive MWERA Award

A paper co-authored by Timothy Sheldon, Ph.D., and Elyse Farnsworth was selected by the Mid-Western Educational Research Association as the best paper presented in the Research, Evaluation, & Assessment in Schools Division (Division H) at its 2013 conference. Sheldon is a Research Associate with the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI), and Farnsworth is a CAREI Graduate Research Assistant. Their paper, titled “Connection, Competence, and Contribution: New Outcome Measures for Assessing Outdoor Program Impact on Urban Youth,” reports the results of an evaluation of Wilderness Inquiry’s Urban Wilderness Canoe Adventures (UWCA) program.To be selected, the paper had to meet several quality indicators as well as pertain to the conference theme of “Education, Access, Marginalization, and Empowerment.”

UWCA Participants.
Students participate in the Urban Wilderness Canoe Adventures program.

The primary objective of the UWCA program is to improve student academic performance through an innovative classroom/fieldwork curriculum that uses environmental educational experiences to teach science, social studies, and language arts. The ultimate goal is to inspire students to become environmental leaders. Program participants were fifth- through eighth-grade students in Minneapolis Public Schools.

Students’ grades and health improve with later high school start times

Later high school start times improve student grades and overall health, according to a new College of Education and Human Development study.

The three-year project, using data from more than 9,000 students attending eight high schools in three states, found that, when switching to a later start time:

  • attendance, standardized test scores and academic performance in math, English, science and social studies improved.
  • tardiness, substance abuse, symptoms of depression, and consumption of caffeinated drinks decreased.

In addition, the study found that there was a 70 percent drop in the number of car crashes involving teen drivers at Jackson Hole High School in Wyoming, which shifted to the latest start time of the eight schools (8:55 a.m.).

Wahlstrom“The research confirmed what has been suspected for some time,” said Kyla Wahlstrom, Ph.D., director of the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI), which conducted the study. “High schools across the country that have later start times show significant improvements in many areas. The reduction of teen car crashes may be the most important finding of all, as the well-being of teens and the safety of the general public are interrelated.”

The study, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), found that high schools that begin as late as 8:55 a.m. have 66 percent of students obtaining eight or more hours of sleep on school nights, which is the recommended amount for high school aged students. Schools that begin at 7:30 a.m. have an average of only 34 percent of students obtaining eight or more hours of sleep on school nights.

“Even a start time of 8:35 a.m. allows 57-60 percent of students to get eight or more hours of sleep, which is an important health benefit for a majority of students,” said Wahlstrom. “Local school districts, school personnel, parents, and students need to understand the importance of sleep and to make choices using the knowledge from this and other studies.”

In the first study to examine multiple schools in various locations across the U.S., student data were collected from eight schools that moved to later start times. Over the last three years, researchers surveyed St. Louis Park High School, Mahtomedi High School, Woodbury High School, Park High School, and East Ridge High School in Minnesota; Boulder High School and Fairview High School in Colorado; and Jackson Hole High School in Wyoming. Students were individually surveyed about their daily activities, substance use and sleep habits. Researchers then examined various health factors post-change in school start time and compared them with national average data.

The study also collected comparative data about students’ academic performance, including grades, attendance, tardiness and performance on state and national standardized tests. Car crash data were also examined for the communities surrounding the participating high schools.

The full report, “Examining the Impact of Later High School Start Times on the Health and Academic Performance of High School Students: A Multi-Site Study,” includes an examination of the processes by which local school districts participating in the study made the decision to change to a later start time. Key participants in the discussions and the decision-making were interviewed.

“Our research provides evidence of clear benefits for students whose high schools start at 8:30 a.m. or later,” said Wahlstrom. “More research needs to be done, but these findings are substantive and should provide more information for school districts considering a change in start time.”

See more research on teens and sleep. Also see coverage of this new study in the New York Times, HuffPost Live, Star Tribune, KSTP-TV, KARE 11-TV, and more media outlets.