Stoffregen and colleagues will publish in PLoS ONE

Stoffregen2012Dr. Thomas Stoffregen, Kinesiology professor of human factors and ergonomics, recently had an article accepted for publication in PLoS ONE, the flagship journal of the Public Library of Science.
PLoS ONE publishes research in all areas of science, and has a journal impact factor of 4.4. The article is titled, “Pre-Bout Standing Body Sway Differs Between Adult Boxers Who Do and Do Not Report Post-Bout Motion Sickness”, by Yi-Chou Chen, Ting-Hsuan Hung, Tzu-Chiang Tseng, City C. Hsieh, Fu-Chen Chen, and Thomas A. Stoffregen. Yi-Chou Chen is a doctoral student working in the Affordance Perception-Action Laboratory under Dr. Stoffregen’s supervision. Fu-Chen Chen, assistant professor at National Pingtung University (Taiwan), received his Ph.D. in Kinesiology in 2011 from the University of Minnesota, where he was jointly supervised by Kinesiology professor Dr. Michael Wade and Dr. Stoffregen.