Family Social Science becomes one of 17 AFCPE approved education programs in the nation

Students and Dean.
The AFCPE approval adds another career-facing component to FSOS’s programs that include the PEER$ UMN Finance Mentors (pictured here with Dean Quam at the CEHD Block Party).

Students majoring in Family Social Science at the University of Minnesota will get an extra career boost as the Department becomes home to the state’s only Association of Financial Counseling & Planning Education (AFCPE®) approved program.

AFCPE® supports research, education and practice for those in the financial counseling and education fields. The non-profit organizes comprehensive training, professional development and resources worldwide and has certified more than 2,700 professionals.

“We are thrilled to welcome the University of Minnesota to our list of AFC® Approved Providers,” says Rebecca Wiggins, AFCPE executive director. “This pathway to certification is an important opportunity for emerging professionals who are interested in the financial field and who have the desire to make a positive difference in people’s lives by helping them achieve financial security and freedom.” 

The key competencies of an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC) include educating, coaching and helping clients understand effective personal financial management behaviors and strategies as well as the dynamics of money in relation to family, friends and individual self-esteem.

AFC certification requires a degree in an AFCPE approved program, sitting for the AFC exam, completing 1,000 hours of financial counseling experience and submitting three letters of reference and adherence to the AFC Code of Ethics.

“The education our students receive integrates perfectly with AFCPE’s goals for the AFC certification,” says Virginia Solis Zuiker, associate professor in Family Social Science. “Becoming an Accredited Financial Counselor is a tangible way for students to show they have the knowledge and experience to enhance the well-being of diverse families with ethical and effective financial management strategies.”

The Bachelor of Science in Family Social Science degree prepares students to understand families from interdisciplinary and multicultural perspectives with a focus on systems and theory. Courses are enhanced with community-based and career-focused experiential learning that gives students the opportunity to apply new knowledge and practice new skills in a supportive environment.

Students will be required to successfully complete the courses Personal and Family Finances (FSoS 3101) and Family Financial Counseling (FSoS 4153) prior to taking the AFC certification exam.

“The biggest impact of taking FSOS finance classes was the knowledge and confidence the classes instilled in me,” says Nicholas Wilson, a senior majoring in Family Social Science who is also an FSOS Peer Mentor. “It has helped me feel more in control of my personal finances, student loans, and planning for my future. I plan to work in a University student-focused setting after graduation and I feel I will be able to better understand where students – from all walks of life – are coming from.” 

More about AFCPE

Founded in 1983, AFCPE has worked with the government, the military and a wide range of agencies to set policy and set the standard for financial counseling, coaching and education.

(Some information for this story is from the ACPFE website).