A Family Social Science (FSOS) research team seeks participants for a survey to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on individuals and families across the United States.
Virginia Solis Zuiker, associate professor, and FSOS doctoral candidate Yiting Li, are collaborating to understand COVID-19’s impact on individual and family finances. Their research is being underwritten by Family Social Science COVID-19 Research Funds to ascertain how COVID-19 is affecting individuals and families across the spectrum.
Zuiker and Li are conducting a study to understand how individuals and families have had to adapt their financial practices due to the impact of a global pandemic COVID-19. They hope to learn more about economic and social adjustment strategies Americans have made to support themselves and their families, and as well as their perceptions of their financial mental health and financial distress/financial well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Any adult who is 18 years or older is eligible to participate in the national study.
The survey will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Once completed, participants will have the opportunity to enter their email to be placed into a random drawing for a $20 Amazon gift card. (The probability of winning is 175 out of 800 or about 21.8 percent).
To take the survey, please visit this link to begin. Or copy and paste this url into your browser: z.umn.edu/COVIDandyourfinances
Please contact Virginia Solis Zuiker, associate professor, or Yiting Li, doctoral candidate in FSOS.
Learn more
This research project is among several supported by the Family Social Science COVID-19 Research Funds.
FSOS research teams continue to examine pandemic’s impact on families
FSOS research project will explore impact of global pandemic on families