Joyce Serido, associate professor and extension specialist in Family Social Science, assisted by the Department’s Peer$ Mentors, gave undergrads a reality check in personal finance during a “Mad City Money” workshop Wednesday, April 10.
Despite the snowfall, about 20 students took advantage of the free workshop that simulated real life with all its choices – cars, housing, food, clothing, child care and entertainment. The workshop helps students build skills and acquire strategies that will help them launch successfully after graduation.
Peer$ Mentor Fathiya Ahmed helps a student choose the right cell phone while Faculty advisor Joyce Serido looks on.“You want to spend 25% of your monthly income on an SUV?” Peer$ Eric Jacobs offers some advice. “Just a few dollars more per month, and you could be riding around in comfort and style every day.” Peer$ Zach Powell is as persuasive as any car salesman! Peer$ Rachel Novak explains the advantages of buying a home. “Seriously. You have to get a place of your own.” “Yes, this is really what is costs for a daily latte!” explains Hao Le, Peer$ mentor. Sarah Butler (Peer$ coordinator) offers good fashion sense on setting a clothing allowance. Students built important financial literacy skills at the “Mad Money” workshop held by the Department of Family Social Science with assistance from the Peer$ Mentor program.
Mad City Money™ used with permission from the Credit Union National Association Inc.