Doctoral students Ana Bellard Freire Ribeiro and Greg Rhodes recently placed first and second, respectively, in the Northland Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine’s 2013 Graduate Student Research Awards.
Riberio’s research, conducted with professor of kinesiology Jürgen Konczak, Ph.D., and St. Cloud State’s Glenn Street, Ph.D., was titled, “Comparison of Tibial Strength Between Adult Female Dancers and Gymnasts.” Rhodes’ project, “Physiology Testing vs. Field Based Strength Testing in Roller Ski Race Performance in Elite Junior Cross-Country Skiers,” was advised by kinesiology lecturer Stacy Ingraham, Ph.D.
The Northland Regional Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine (NACSM) is a diverse group of professionals and students dedicated to the advancement of sports medicine and exercise science. NACSM is one of 12 regional chapters of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). States in the region are Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota.