OLPD student receives President’s Student Leadership and Service Award

Antony B. Maikuri

Antony B. Maikuri, OLPD doctoral student in Evaluation Studies, was named among the recipients of the University of Minnesota President’s Student Leadership and Service Award for 2019-20.

Through his many roles on campus, Maikuri advocates for the needs and priorities of international students. He created a course for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), “Diverse Voices of Africa,” which aims to elevate African voices and provide students with an opportunity to see the diversity of the African continent while building skills as future leaders in their fields. He was also an international student representative to the Humphrey School’s Public Affairs Student Association (PASA), held a board position for the International Students Association, and served as a member of the International Student Advisory Board.

Earlier this semester, Maikuri was named a recipient of the Josef A. Mestenhauser award for Excellence in Campus Internationalization. Watch his digital story here.