Owen Marciano receives Josie R. Johnson Human Rights and Social Justice Award

Owen Marciano, associate director of recruitment and admissions in CEHD Student Services, has been awarded the University’s 2017 Josie R. Johnson Human Rights and Social Justice Award. The award recognizes University faculty, staff, and students who are creating respectful and inclusive living, learning, and working environments. He will be honored at the University of Minnesota’s Equity and Diversity Breakfast on Nov. 16.

Owen has spent more than 15 years serving, supporting, and advocating for underrepresented students in higher education. He leads CEHD’s undergraduate recruitment, communications, and admissions, and brings social justice to the forefront in all of this work. For example, Owen identified and changed policies that serve as admission barriers to marginalized and oppressed individuals and groups. Colleagues noted his unwavering commitment to social justice has a far-reaching, positive impact on them personally, and impacts their work across CEHD and the University.  Owen also delivers anti-oppression training on campus and in the community, is a member of the Campus Climate Engagement Team, and a community activist.

Learn more about past award recipients.