Kinesiology PhD student Chen and his research featured in Minnesota Daily

Yi-Chou (Chris) Chen, PhD student in Kinesiology, was profiled in an article in the Minnesota Daily today for his study on boxers and the relationship between their susceptibility to post-bout motion sickness and experiencing body sway prior to their match. Chen, who is advised by Kinesiology professor Tom Stoffregen, is hoping that his research will result in the ability to identify boxers who may be more likely to suffer injury before they enter the ring.
The research article, “Pre-Bout Standing Body Sway Differs between Adult Boxers Who Do and Do Not Report Post-Bout Motion Sickness,” by Yi-Chou Chen, Ting-Hsuan Hung, Tzu-Chiang Tseng, City C. Hsieh, Fu-Chen Chen, and Thomas Stoffregen, was published in PLOS One this month. Co-author Prof. Fu-Chen Chen received his PhD in Kineisology in 2011 and was co-advised by Prof. Stoffregen.