Scholarship pays tribute to ICD alumna

As a first-generation college student, Dr. Carrie DePasquale shone brightly. As one of the youngest graduates in the history of the Institute of Child Development (ICD), she was an incredible scientist, publishing 15 papers during her five years of training, winning awards, and stepping into a prestigious NIH postdoctoral fellowship as the next step of her career. She also was a passionate social activist and a supportive friend. Tragically, this bright star did not burn long enough. She passed away suddenly of an undetected medical condition on September 12, 2020. To honor her achievements and to continue her tradition of helping others, the Carrie DePasquale Scholarship has been established.

The scholarship, which will provide support for graduate students in ICD, recognizes the challenges that first-generation post-baccalaureate students face. It will serve to carry on Carrie’s legacy of academic rigor, social responsibility, and joy. It is hoped that every year the recipient of this award will remember to enjoy the little things in life, spend time with friends and family, work as hard as she did, and apply their academic research to improve the lives of children and families. 

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