Joyce Serido, associate professor in Family Social Science and extension specialist, will co-present two Minnesota Extension webinars in April and May on financial literacy for parents, caregivers, and educators. Serido studies how families communicate and interact about finances and how these processes affect financial behavior and her research focuses on three interrelated life domains: (1) financial parenting; (2) financial behavior and economic well-being; and (3) financial behavior and romantic relationships.
On Tuesday, April 27, Serido will be joined by FSOS graduate student Miguel Quinones to co-present a webinar on “Financial parenting and youth well-being,” 4-5 p.m. This free webinar will assist parents and care-givers to prepare children to make good financial decisions on their own.
Serido and Sharon Powell, an extension educator, will co present a free webinar, “Money in Motion: Strategies for Kids to Discover How Money Works,” Thursday, May 20, at 4 p.m.
Learn more
Minnesota Extension is offering a full slate of online courses and webinars this spring.
More about Serido and her research
Dr. Serido is the member of a team of researchers from several universities collaborating on APLUS Pathways to Life Success, the first ever longitudinal study to examine the connection between finances and well-being. how young people develop financial behaviors and how those behaviors relate to financial capability and well-being as adults.