Young Ho Kim, Kinesiology doctoral candidate and graduate assistant, and his students in SMGT 3881W Senior Seminar in Sport Management, took a tour of the National Sports Center (NSC) in Blaine in April to see the facility and meet with facility administrators. Kim and his students collaborated with the NSC on three projects this semester.
For the first, “Multi-National Corporations Based in Minnesota as Sponsors of USA CUP,” students researched and prepared a recommendation regarding sponsorship for the NSC premier soccer tournament, USA CUP, with the assistance of Steve Olson, Chief Operating Officer. For the second, “Indigenous/Native American Sports Tournaments and Events,” two groups researched and prepared a recommendation regarding development activities for The Star of the North Games (an Olympic-style, multi-sport event), focusing on adding events and Native populations, with the assistance of George Ellis, NSC’s Director of Sports Development. The third project was “Hosting a Girl’s and Women’s Wellness & Sports Expo at the NSC.” Students researched and prepared a recommendation for NSC to host the expo, focusing on sponsors and a topic series, with the assistance of Todd Johnson, Executive Director. On May 1, the NSC administrators visited Kim’s class and his students presented their projects.
Kim is co-advised by Kinesiology professor Michael Wade, Ph.D., and Rayla Allison, J.D.